Chapter 003 - Jade

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It has been three days since we found ourselves on the island that we now know as Hiraya. The inhabitants that we meet are oddly friendly. Instead of throwing us into some kind of dungeon, they ushered us to a dwelling that serves as their hospital, whose outside walls are made of stone. The inside and upper floors are mainly hardwood, and the roof is made of terracotta—a red and orange-colored clay. It has a couple of rooms since it is the residence of their doctors and healers, which they call Babaylans. Five of those rooms are used by those that need intensive care. Currently, our room is the only occupied room by the patients.

"Where are you going?" Migo asks as I search for the wooden slippers that the inhabitants lined up for us. They call it bakya and are made primarily of lightwood, with its upper portion made of abaca fiber.

"Outside," I answer as I finally reach it and happily fit my feet in. It's been a while since I last saw a bakya and an even longer time since I last used one. Probably, I was in elementary school when it came back to fashion. However, most of those that I am familiar with have plastic straps rather than natural abaca fiber.

"You're allowed to go outside this place?"

I turn to look at Migo. During the night or when there are only the three of us in the room, we discuss what we know of Hiraya. Everything about the island is reminiscent of an ancient Filipino community, and Migo loses his mind over it. I mean, there are babaylans, maharlikas, ancient clothes, and footwear. They even built houses the same as those we saw in museums. Did the explosion send us back in time? The other explanation is, we may be in a TV reality show, which is more far-fetched than the other reason.

Besides, none of us were wounded that day on Hiraya's shore. After that explosion from our machine, I doubt anyone would come out unscathed. Aian even suggested that maybe we are dead already, and this place is in a parallel world like those famous isekai animations.

"I'm going with her," Aian answers and sits on the bed beside me.

Migo looks at both of us. "Are you leaving me here alone?"

"Yes," we both answer.

The babaylans nursed both Aian and me back to health. There are still bruises here and there, but generally, we are fine and can explore around the area. Well, not really, because the only place the island leader allowed us to visit is the outer area of the island. We are not even allowed to step outside the island's fortress.

"You realize that this place is near the warrior's area? You know, those bulging, almost naked men we saw days ago?"

"We know, Migo. As a matter of fact, Jade and I visited them already. They're not the type who's gonna hurt an injured person, at least, not all of them."

"Not—ah!" he groans.

We all turn our attention to the babaylan who's dabbing herbs and ointments on Migo's bruises and wounds.

"Does it still hurt?" Mayumi asks, sounding apologetic.

Migo shakes his head, though it is apparent that he's in pain. But other than the injuries, I am sure he is enjoying the attention from the female babaylans, especially if the babaylan in question is as beautiful as Mayumi. She has this long, black, straight hair, almond eyes, lips that are always ready to smile, and a curvaceous body. And since babaylans wear wrap-around skirts and tight-fitted tops, I have no doubts that Migo considers his hospitalization as the most incredible day of his life.

"I think you'll be back to health before the next feast," Mayumi says with a winning smile. "You'd be there, right?"

"Yes," Migo answers. "I'll find you there," he adds, and winks at her.

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