life of an emo boy

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dear diary
im tired of being sad all the time!!!!!!!!!!! im DONE with jising telling me what to do! he just doesn't understand me. im not a typical teen. i like the color black, i listen to edgy rock, i have a leather jacket, i shop at hot topic. im the opposite of normal. no one understands me and im sick of it! i hate being told that its "just a phase." THIS IS ME, IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, SCREW OFF! being emo is the only way i truly feel free. society is my worst enemy! they constantly tell me being emo is "bad" and that i need to be a normal pretty boy who says KKU KKU KKA KKA and JEOJANG!! NEWS FLASH, THAT ISNT ME! JIHOON'S STUPID AEGYO HAS NO HOLD ON ME! im not a little kid anymore, im an INDEPENDENT ADULT and no one can tell me otherwise! im tired of being forced to act "cute" when it just isn't me at all! im tired of being forced to make STUPID MAINSTREAM POP MUSIC when i just wanna make some real music like my idols, BOTDF-sunbaenim. im a sad boy and proud. ROCK ON EMO KIDZ🤘🤘🤘🤘
-bae jinyoung

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