Otaku Sleepover!!!!! Part 1

Start from the beginning

I hear....arguing?-Wolf

(Goes to the door and opens it)-Angela

(Tumbles down)-the boys


Are you....peeking at us!-Wolf

No, no!-Jack

Its more like spying...-Angelo

Shhh (covers angelos mouth) we were just taking a walk-Ruth (chuckles)

(Glares at Ruth) didn't I tell you to take care of the ppgz and rrbz?!-me

(Gulps) yes-Ruth

Why are you guys here-Angela

I told you, we're spying-Angelo

Well since we are all together why not play truth or dare!-Jack

With you guys no-Wolf (growls)

Come on...-Ruth

(Pulls on Angela and wolf) wait there-me

Are we seriously gonna let them in!-wolf (whispers)

They won't leave us alone if we don't-Angela

True, so what you guys think?-me

(Angela and wolf look at each other then sigh) okay-Both Angela and wolf

(Sigh) alright-me

(Walks to the boys) we have decided-Angela


No!-me and the girls

I thought for sure they were gonna say yes....-Ruth

(Comes out of no where) well to bad they are staying-Reaper

What the heck!!!-Everyone but me 

I told you! He came back for revenge! (Grabs the knife and charges at the reaper)-me

(Moves aside) to slow-Reaper

(Falls on the floor) ow my nose!!-me (holds nose)

For what you did to me yesterday, I will make you guys playing truth or dare with each other until the sun rises-Reaper


Each of you have to write three dares (a hat appears out of nowhere) you will put them in here and there will be and there's two that you get to pick who does the dare and what they will do-Reaper

Is this suppose to be some kind of punishment?-Angelo (puts his three dares in the hat)


You sound unsure-Wolf (puts her dare in the hat)

Doesn't it not sound like a punishment?-Reaper

Not really-Angela (puts dares)

Well what does like a punishment?-Reaper

Make her not watch anime while you eat her candy..-Jack (puts dare)

Bring her worst nightmare to life-Ruth (puts dares)

(Thinks about it) I'll try it next time!-Reaper

Stop giving him ideas!!-me

Your fault for beating him up-Angela

He was trying to kill me!-me

You ask for it-Wolf

(Glares at them)-me

Well tata~.....-Reaper (disappears)

PPGZ AND RRBZ TRUTH OR DARE |Slow Updates|Where stories live. Discover now