Birthday girl

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Time skip to Monday

Boy's i scream yeah they answer, come here i say, remeber that girl we met at seaside i ask yeah they say. Well today is her birthday and well she's a fan of yall 3 lets all singe her a happy birthday to her. Yeah lets do that thry say, ok i answere. I video chat her and she answered,happy birthday to you we sand she looked like she was ABOUT to literally cry. I was already 18 so my birthday passed already.  After we were done i asked her to met us at sea side, sure ill be there she said . Great i said.

Time skip to seaside
I piked up some birthday ballons and a card, i told the boys to sighn it and give her a birthday wish. We got to her and she saw what i had and she ran to me and gave me a big hug. I gave her the balloons and her card. She opend it and she smiled, i have no idea what the boy's had wrote in it. She pulled my arm and pulled me into the bathroom. She opend her card and she showed it to me, Jake wrote
Hey we should hang some time here is my number and happy birthday. ***-***-****. I looked up and i hug her OMG omg  we both scream.

Hope u enjoyed
Peace ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌

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