Tales of Old

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Long ago, In the land of Forossa, lived a people who were brave and famous for their prowess in combat and war.

In their time, The Forossan Lion Knights were a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. Some notable men of Forossa were Shieldless Lothian, who grew tired of the frailty of human foes and set off to slay dragons. And here was Vengarl, the mad beast of the battlefield, who claimed the heads of countless enemies. But out of all these, the most famed of them of all, the highest ranking knight was the Ivory Knight, who would later become known as the Ivory King. He was unmatched in his time for his swordplay, and he also was said to be able to wield strange but wondrous magic, described as ice that he controlled as he willed, which glowed as if pure light was inside it.

After taking his crown, they say he was the first to swing his sword in times of need. Be it for his homeland or for his people. And his sword was required far to the north for the Old Chaos had resurfaced there once more.

They did not know much about the Old Chaos. What little they knew came from stories they knew that were passed down for generations; that some ancient Lord had tried to revive a dying age out of desperation, which ended with disastrous consequences. Whatever happened had unleashed a twisted Flame, a womb of chaos from which countless demons and monsters spewed forth and destroyed the ancient city of Izalith, now sunk deep underground. Generations before them fought the Old Chaos before them, but it was never completely defeated. Now it had come to Forossa and people fled in fear, until the King came.

With his sword, his companions and his Loyce knights, the Ivory King fought back the Chaos. When it was contained, they built Eleum Loyce; a vast rampart city. The walls built around the kingdom would never let the Chaos spread to the rest of the world. And for good measure, the King himself erected his throne at the very entrance to Chaos for he wished to serve as the first line of defense. Any creature of Chaos that threatened his city would have to pass him first.

It was here in Eleum Loyce that the Ivory King took a queen, Alsanna. It appears she was a woman of great power, for she possessed the strange ability to quell the Chaos Flame below. Together, in a city cut off from the rest of the world and facing constant peril, they were wed and they stood together despite the hardships they faced.

In truth, she was a Child of the Dark. Born from the shattered fragments of an ancient entity that was the personification of all that was Dark. She was one such fragment. She was the fourth and youngest of all four of her sisters, who had set off to separate kingdoms to seek kings for themselves and and fulfill their lust for power.She wed her king out of selfishness for she saw that the King of Forossa was strong and intended to find safety by his side.

Nevertheless, the Ivory King loved her and supported this Child of the Abyss even as he fought against the Flames of Chaos. Two ancient evils weighed upon the King. One in front of him, and one at his side. But even so, he weathered them both, for himself and for his people. But it did take a toll on the king.

 This was evidenced by the fact that the king had seven pets, which were all giant Sabre-cats. The king noticed Alsanna's presence near them had strange effects on them. They grew more violent, and two of them had become cursed with a dark aura, clinging to them like shadows. The king said nothing about this, and two were sent to the outskirts of Eleum Loyce, out of sight where none would report on their true nature or what the child of Dark was doing those who stood beside her. 

These acts were not missed by Alsanna. Things that were opposed to very her nature stirred inside her, despite herself..

Inevitably, there came a moment where the Ivory King sensed the degradation of his own soul. In this moment, he made a decision. He would not run from Chaos. Rather, he would give himself to Chaos in order to appease the Flame. Without a word, he left his home, he left his wife and he left his country, but not without one final act. 

Before he set off to strike at the heart of Chaos, he entrusted everything to Alsanna. Upon his parting, he handed her Eleum Loyce- the city and a ceremonial blade by its namesake.

The twin blades of Eleum Loyce, one light and one dark, were entwined as the Ivory King and his Dark Queen once were. He knew Alsanna was a child of Dark all along, but he said nothing. He believed her to be more than the sum of her parts and so she was. The King's belief in the Queen allowed her to rise above her dark nature.

It was his final gift to her. But then he left, never to return.. 

The Ivory King and his loyal Loyce Knights fought valiantly, but eventually they were all burnt by the Chaos Flame, and continues to burn in agony underneath their city, trapped in the Old Chaos. Alsanna could sense all of this.

Such was her grief and longing for her King's return, that the whole city had frozen in time.  So there she remains by his throne, true to her beloved King's wishes, watching over Chaos until the end of time.. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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