Chapter One

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     Once you made it to your 'hideout', which was an hour outside of the wall, you tied up your horse, and went inside. It was already close to dawn, by the way the air felt, and the small streak of violet across the horizon. Sigh. It was extremely hard to go back and forth between the wall, and outside, every other night. But at the same time, it was exciting. Feeling the rush of adrenaline, while being chased, by a petty crime, stealing. You grabbed a loaf of bread, and some cheese that was already moldy, picked off the mold, and ate it. Your stomach vowed for more, but you had to save food for tomorrow. You then climbed in bed, and let your sleep deprived brain rest.

   ~Time skip to the next night~
     You hopped off your horse, just outside the walls, and scaled it, checking around for anyone before leaping off, and venturing down to the city below. You raced by houses, using some to gain speed, and not lose as much gas, when a shop just closing came into view. There was people on the streets, but usually they were in alley ways, smoking a cigarette. You zoomed by the shop, grabbing two things, a tiny bag of salt, and some potatoes. Usually the MP were after you, but tonight, it was dead silent. Too quiet. Suddenly, a cloaked figure zoomed out of a alley way and into the open. Following extremely close to you. This is not the Military Police. You thought as you urged your 3DMG to go faster, you started springing off buildings. Just as you cut a corner sharp, someone sliced both of your wires, making you jerk forward and skid of the ground. Potatoes now mashed, you internally cheered for yourself, for, you hid the salt. Somewhere where they wont find it. Just now you saw the emblem on the back of their dark green capes, the Wings of Freedom. Shit. You tried to get up, but someone extremely strong pinned both of your arms down to the extent of them going numb. Someone crouched down in front of you as your head was slammed into the cobblestone below, causing black fuzz to blur your vision temporarily. Then someone spoke, "what is your name?" By the sound of it, the person speaking was a man. You didn't respond. Bad mistake. Your head was forced into the ground even more, if that was possible. You winced in pain, as you replied, "(Y/N) (L/N)." Everyone fell silent. Nobody knew the Two Striped Stealer's name. Most people didn't even know she had a name. The person on top of your back spoke, "tch, you look like a pig, brat." His voice was monotone as he talked. The other man spoke again, "Levi, release her grip on her head, it looks like she is about to pass out." You felt the pressure on your head hesitantly go away, as you could see again. In front of you was this man with combed back blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and, massive eyebrows. How do you even get your brows like that?!? The person on top of you got up, and yanked you up, making you dizzy. They put your hands in cuffs, rid you of weapons, and pulled down your hood, revealing  your (H/C) hair. These people then put you in a wagon, and left. Leaving your horse, home, and confidence behind.

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