|Chapter Two|

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Jonathan sat under the tree, and leaned his head against it's sturdy trunk. Sherwin was simply blushing, staring into space. Jonathan knew his presence made him uncomfortable, and that made him feel bad. "You know..you..you can talk to me." Jonathan gently said. Sherwin's eyes widened and he blushed even more, then quickly shook his head. Sherwin buried his face inside his knees, wondering what Jonathan thought about him. "Well, fine, then, I'll talk to you." Jonathan stated, about to ramble on about random things. "NO!" Sherwin blurted out, instantly regretting it. "I-I mean, you don't have to that, it's okay, sorry I just-I just kind of like the peace and quiet and whenever I talk it's just so awkward and sometimes I ramble on and on when I'm nervous like I'm probably doing now..I-I'm sorry.." Sherwin said, looking at his feet. Jonathan blushed and chuckled. So this kid could speak. Good to know. "No need to apologize..." Jonathan trailed off. Sherwin was adorable, the way he spoke, and how when he blushed his little freckles became more prominent. Jonathan stood, and turned, offering his hand to Sherwin. "We've already missed a class, come on. Maybe I can walk you home and we can continue talking then?" Jonathan smiled warmly, part of him desperate for him to say yes. Sherwin smiled, and nodded, then took Jonathan's hand and pulled himself up. The two boys walked towards the school, each in their own world that involved the other.


|||Sooo I hope you enjoyed that quick little chapter! I've got some ideas for the future chapters, and I hope you like how the story is going so far! Please give me suggestions for future chapters, I NEED INSPO. Bye, loves!|||

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