Chapter Four: Murphy's Law

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Phoenix Rising

Chapter Four

Murphy’s Law

September 7, 2214
Aboard EDS Andromeda II
In Earth orbit

    Captain Nova Forrester was understandably nervous as she took the command chair for the launch out of Earth orbit.  She knew she didn’t need to be, because this was a simple shakedown cruise.  Commander Wendy Singleton (who had received a promotion to the rank of general from the Senate as part of a arm-wrangling deal that her grandfather engineered) had given her the mission objectives that morning: three warps to an uncharted world that one of the EDS probes had discovered years before during the search for a new home during the Gamilon Wars.  As far as the probe had indicated, no life had lived there.  But life was possible there, though it would be hard as the habitable zone was relatively small, rainy, and cold. 

    Nevertheless, it was a definite prospect for a base outside of the home system, and Nova was eager to embark on this voyage of discovery.  She knew that, just in case, she had the skills to deal with a combat situation, but she didn’t expect to have to worry about that on this mission.  Nothing was taken for granted, though, so Andromeda II was armed to the teeth. 

    She always hated departures, and this one was no different.  Miyuki no longer cried (at least in front of her) when she left on a mission, but Nova knew that her daughter missed her deeply whenever she was away.  She also missed her husband, Derek, because she knew the pressure that he was under despite no longer being a member of the military officially.

    She did know, of course, of the secret project at Phoenix Station.  Derek was scheduled to leave there in three days to pay the site a visit along with Wendy.  Part of her was uncomfortable bring up the Yamato from its watery resting place on the water world of Aquaria, but she knew that the day may come when the old lady would once again be needed.

    Her executive officer, Homer Glitchman, handed her the daily report and she scanned through it, thinking of the night before, when Homer and her were at her place, celebrating a surprising announcement from Homer’s wife.

    They were at the Wildstar’s for a going away dinner.  Derek and Homer were going to cook dinner (or attempt to, at least) for Wendy, Nova, and Miyuki.  Miyuki was in her room, playing, while Wendy and Nova were out on the balcony talking.

    “I always wondered why you bought this house, Nova.  After what you went through here…”  Wendy said, remembering what had happened to Nova a dozen years ago when the Dark Nebulans had invaded and captured Earth.  The Star Force that had been on Earth had managed to escape aboard the president’s personal emergency transport, but Nova had barely missed getting on board.

    Nova’s smile slipped a bit as she said, “It took some convincing.  I decided that I didn’t want to think of any place on Earth as a house of pain.”  While she had not been tortured at all during her interrogation at the hands of the enemy, the officer who had her in custody had tempted her, and he would eventually betray his own people for Nova.  In all the years since, she’d never come that close to cheating on Derek again.  Even though Derek had long since told her that she had done nothing wrong and that there was no need to forgive her, Nova still felt the twinge of guilt whenever that time came up.

    She rallied and added, “Derek and I have made plenty of happy memories here to outnumber the good ones.”  One of those memories came out of her room and asked her mommy to hug her. 

    Wendy looked down at young Miyuki and smiled.  “I hope Homer and I can do so as well.  We’ve decided to start our own family as well when you’re all back from this mission.”

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