When I was a Kid- Part 2

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I didn't go to Miss Shelly's daycare every day, only two or three days a week. I was happy whenever I went to my Nana's house, I was afraid to go to Miss Shelly's. But I put on a brave face and acted as if I liked being there. Today was a day when I didn't have to go to Miss Shelly's house.

"Rise and Shine and give God the glory glory! Rise and Shine and give God the glory glory, children of the Lord." My dad sang as he came into my bedroom, turning on the lights and then pulling the blinds.

"I don't want to get up," I whined, I hated mornings.

"You have two choices today, a pink short outfit or a blue jean outfit. I think that the blue jean outfit would be better for you to come to work with me." He said as he laid the blue jeans and t-shirt across the end of my bed.

I shot out of bed, pushed him out the door,  got dressed and ran to the bathroom so that mom could braid my hair while I brushed my teeth. Once I did get to the bathroom my older sister and brother were hogging the whole thing, they only let my grab my toothbrush and told me to go downstairs. So I ran down the stairs brushed my teeth, ran to my mom and dad's bedroom and asked mom to do my hair, which she put in a high pony with braids going into it from the sides and underneath. I ran got my shoes on and then found my dad who was sitting on the couch reading his paper.

"All ready," I said and twirled around so that he could see that.

"You look so pretty, just as pretty as a princess." Dad told me picking me up and hugging me to his chest. 

"Lets make like a tree and leave," I said, laughing at my own joke as my sister pokes her head out of the bathroom and says, "That wasn't even funny."

"Bye mom," I yelled down the stairs as we were walking out the door.

"Bye guys have fun," she stated as she walked back into her room to get ready for work.

We walked out of our two story house towards the little blue pickup that was sitting in the driveway. I hopped into the front seat and secured my buckle as dad got in on the other side, he reached over and tightened my seat belt before clicking his into place and starting the engine. We backed out of the driveway and onto the rode, we headed for the street that would take us into town and then onto the highway.


"Hi James!" I said as I ran up to the tall African man and wrapped my arms around his legs.

"Hi Joy," he said as he tried to pry me off of his legs, but I just held on tighter.

I was normally very closed off and shy, but when it came to the people that I knew really well and that I liked, it was a whole different story. James was one of those people that I knew really well and that I loved like he was an uncle.

"Hi James, how are you doing?" My dad said, prying me off of James' legs and setting me on the ground, making me stand up. 

"I am doing well Mr. Milbrath. How about yourself?" James countered.

"Fine just fine, well I have to get to work on my sermon, would you mind taking Joy to the library?" My dad said as he started walking towards his office.

"Yes of course," James said, then turning to me, "Lets go get some books. I bet I could beat you down there."

"Oh no you won't," I said, taking off running down the church hallways laughing at the man that was right on my heels.

"You know for a little kid you sure are fast." James said as he entered the library out of breath. 

"Can you reach down that book for me please," I said as I pointed to a large book sitting on the top shelf in the adult section of the small library.

"You want to read THAT?" James said in astonishment.

"Yes, I started it last time and I want to finish it." I stated plainly, crossing my arms for emphasis. 

"You started reading a five hundred paged book, you're only three." He said, still astonished. 

"Yes!" I stated, getting just a little upset.


I said "thank you" as he handed me the book and skipped over to the big rocking chair and climbed up in it. 

"So what is it about and who is it by?" James questioned me.

"It is by Lauraine Snelling, and it is about a girl named Opal and she doesn't like wearing dresses and she would rather ride horses and muck stalls than be in the barn, and she falls in love with someone only to have her heart broken." I stated in one long breath, turning to the page that was marked with a ribbon and started reading. 

"You understand all of that?" James asked, still quite amazed.

"Yes! Now let me read!" I said as I went back to reading.

I sat in that chair for hours, James or Dad or another lady wondering in every once in awhile to see if I was doing okay. I loved reading, my Nana taught me how when I was almost three and my love for reading flourished. I loved reading, it let me forget who I was and what I was doing and everything around me. Reading is my safe place. 


Around five o'clock my dad finally came to get me so that we could go home. I had finished the book and had started the one after it, when he came in I was just putting it on the shelf that I had gotten it from. The one thing I didn't like about this library was that it wasn't organized, not by author or alphabetical or numbered or anything. The books were just placed on the shelves haphazardly and in complete chaos, at least that was what it felt like to me.

"Ready to go kiddo?" Dad asked as he walked into the room, grabbing the bag that I had brought with.

"Yup!" I said, popping the "p." Running over to my dad, I took his big hand in my little own and we skipped (mostly me) out of the room towards the pickup truck that we had come in.

Author's note:

All though this is a true story, some of the details have been skewed just a bit and all names have been changed for the sake of privacy.  Thank you for reading and enjoy the book.

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