Ellie: Grundy's GUN?

Betty: we're telling Archie!! we're outside!

"Oh my god," Ellie gasps.

She dresses some jacket that she picks up on her way to the door, and rushes downstairs, not caring to lock the door when she leaves. She makes it pretty fast to the house next to hers, and Archie's already there with Betty and Veronica, already arguing.

"Grundy has a gun! Jason was her student!" Betty exclaims, and tries to make him see how the pieces fall back together so well. "Why didn't you ask? About her name, about anything?"

Archie's eyes fall to his feet, the answer is so clear to all of them anyways. Eleanor was right about not going with them, but just like with everything else, here she is getting hurt, over and over again because of her stupid curiosity. The curiosity killed the cat, and now it's killing her.

And she hurts herself even more, when she finally asks him, her voice merely a whisper. "Because you're in love with her?" 

And it is like a punch to her stomach when all Archie does is walk away, and get back inside his house. Until his door closes shut, Ellie stands there in the cold, hoping he'll turn around and deny it. But he never does, and it doesn't suprises her.

Here she is, all the time, waiting for him to say the right thing for once, but Archie never reaches out for Ellie, not unless it helps him in some way. So, Ellie's ready when, in the morning, Archie calls Betty and her to go for a walk. Ellie refuses, and stays home instead. When her sister comes back, she tells Ellie all about the divorce story and the gun for protection instead of murder.

. . .

Things are pretty horrible, all these bad things keep happening in Riverdale, and maybe it is some kind of punishment for evil things done in the past. When they think things can't get any worse, they get home and their mom is at the door, waiting for them, with a gun in her hand.

Ellie frowns at the sight. "What –."

"What's wrong is that your sister Betty is hiding a gun in her bedroom, and that's just for starters." Alice accuses.

"I can explain!" Betty tries.

"Oh, you will." She put the gun back inside the house, and walks back outside, now closing the door behind her. "Now, both of you, get in the car."

"Wait, what?" Ellie turns around, confused.


"You brought that home, Betty?" She turns to her sister in desbelief, how could Betty forget that they live with Alice Cooper out of all people. "What the hell?"

"I... I panicked!"

. . .

They meet Fred Andrews at Riverdale High's entrance, and Ellie can't really understand what's happening, or what's about to. It just doesn't make sense, until it does. Until they follow her Mom to the music room, and now it all makes sense as they interrupt Archie and Ms. Grundy.

"There they are!" Alice points out, and turns to face Fred. "What did I tell you?"

Geraldine's confused. "Can someone just tell me what's going on here?" 

"Of course. Archie," Alice turns to him now. "would you like to share with us what you and the teacher have been doing during your music lessons? And please don't leave out any of the lurid details, because Betty here keeps a very meticulous diary."

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