Flicking tail

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About 10 minutes later Rin had finally made it to Suguro's room. Bon sat on his bed reciting sutras with Rin sitting at his desk, trying to focus on his text book. Every once in a while Rin would get confused on something which made his tail stand up straight. He would then either figure it out himself, or ask Bon for help which made his tail wag again. This was going on for an hour or so (who knew Rin could focus for so long?) until Rin eventually gave up...

''Ugh, Boooon~ I'm bored...'' Rin whined as he leaned over the chair ''Cmon, let's do something fun!''

''Aren't you supposed to be studying? Sensei would kill you if he found out you quit halfway''


''Yeah but you haven't even finished the book yet. Just goes to show you're a really slow reader''

''Wha-?! I-I'm just tired is all!''

''Pft yeah right...''

Whist Rin started to rant about why he didn't want to study, his tail was lashing out at thin air, which caught Bon's attention. Without thinking, Bon reached out and grabbed the tail, earning a squeak from the half-demon.

''B-Bon... don't touch my tail...''

''Why?'' Bon gave another tug, then started to slowly run his fingers against the tip, making the demon moan. ''What the? Okumura, are you getting turned on?''

A/n Thanks for reading! If you want me to keep this nice and fluffy or turn it into a lemon then please let me know cuz I'm not really sure where to take this and I'm kinda running out of ideas so...

Demon Tails (Bon x Rin  Blue Exorcist)Where stories live. Discover now