She's Gone

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Chapter 1::Ella

I finally get myself to sit up from where I've been laying the pass three or four hours. I run a hand threw my brown curls, trying to think of anything but the accident. I fail misreably, seeing her face every time I close my eyes. Her flawless smile, her beautiful features; her luscious  green eyes that I could get lost in, her soft brown wavy hair and her smile.. Oh her smile was unforgetable. But I couldn't get her out of my head, no matter what I do or what I try to distract myself with she was always there. Like, she was haunting me. I shook my head before standing up and stroding over to the bathroom and opening the door swiftly before turning on the cold water. I let the freezing cold water fill up in my cupped palms before splashing it onto my face, in attempt to wake myself up from this terrible nightmare. I rested my hands on either side of the sink, hanging my head down while water dripped down my face. Please wake up, I beg to my mind that doesn't seem to be cooperating with me.  

"Fresh air.. I need fresh air," I told myself before stepping out onto the balcony of the two story house. I closed the sliding door and inhaled a deep breath of the cool spring air. I leaned against the glass of the door, and looked over my surroundings. Memories hit instantly of the Summer that had just passed. They would always come out here whenever they could. My breath caught in my throat, as they started coming more and more by the second. I couldn't handle this. I quickly retreated back to the bedroom, backing away from the door. Calm down. Just calm down, I told myself before walking downstairs to get away from the madness. 

As I raced down the staircase, I heard a loud knock at the front door. She's home!? 

I practically run to the front door and open it in one swift movement, "Bailey-" I blurted out. But it's not her. It's someone who is the same height, same facial features. Except she's blond with blue eyes; Her sister, Ella.

She frowned once I said her sister's name. "H-Hi Aiden.." she said in a small voice, "I came to see how you were holding up.."

How do you think? "Fine," I answer, not expressing my thoughts.

"Don't lie to me," she demanded. "I can tell by the way you look."

Then why ask a stupid question like that? "Sorry," I apologize after a few silent moments. She sighed, "May I come in?" 

I hesitate to answer due to the messy house, but I didn't want to be rude and just say 'no'. "Sure," I say as I pause before stepping aside. Once she stepped in, I closed the front door and heard a sigh. "What?" I ask almost instantly after the sigh. 

"I thought it would be like this," Ella said, slipping off her sweater and hanging it neatly onto the coat rack before turning to the front room. 

"Ella," I begin, but am soon interrupted by her shaking her head. 

"No Aiden. It's fine, cleaning helps me think," she admitted as she began to straighten up the room. I sighed. Bailey would've told me to help her, and to not be so rude. So I did exactly that. I would help put the clothes back where they belonged and other things around the house. But I refused to let her into the bedroom. It was clean, I just didn't want her to mess up Bailey's side of the bed so soon. 

Maybe having Ella here for company was okay, for a little while. I could only look at her for so long before remembering about Bailey. She stayed for a little while, took the death off of my mind and talked about random things, even if I didn't respond. So, persistant like her sister. I would hit my head everytime I would compare the two, it would just make me miss her more. But around 10PM, she went home. Leaving me alone so I could get some rest. But of course, sleep would be one of the worst mistakes of my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2012 ⏰

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