I pull him into a hug, smiling at the warmth. "You know I love you, right?" I question playfully.

   "Obviously, I'm Paul Danan," he grins.

We both giggle before I stand up, making my way over to Sarah as Paul watches. Cautiously, I move to stand in front of her, smiling softly.

   "Mind if I sit?" I ask gently, in which she shrugs.

Taking a seat on the grass next to her, the air feels thick with tension. Neither of us talk, as she pushes the sun glasses up in her face a little more to hide her obvious red, puffy eyes from where she's been crying, most likely. Therefor, I decide to break the silence.

   "I heard about what happened last night," I begin, as she looks down at her hands. "I didn't know you felt excluded from mostly everyone here," I speak gently.

Her lip quivers slightly, before she takes a breath. Still, she doesn't speak, so I do instead.

   "I want to say that I do think that you're genuinely a lovely woman, and that things have been hard in here," I speak slowly, trying to think of the right things to say. "I just want to say that I would love it if we can put everything behind us and try to get along, because you — of all people — don't deserve to be feeling so low," I smile softly.

She hesitantly looks over at me, before something shocking happens. She speaks.

   "I don't want to argue either. I know you were looking out for Paul, and I took it too far, so I want to apologise too." She apologised, catching me by surprise. "Thank you for coming over to talk to me, I appreciate it."

Laughing lightly, I shake my head.

   "I'm glad we've sorted things out," I smile. "Let's go inside and make some tea and have some gossip, yeah?" I offer her.

She nods, smiling lightly. I open my arms, offering her a hug, as she then leans over and wraps her arms around me. I then quickly stand up, joking my hands out for her; she takes my hands, where I help to pull her to her feet, before the both of us head inside — not before Paul gives me a thumbs up for my deed of the day.

"Morning you sexy people," I sing as Sarah and I enter the kitchen.

Most of the housemates wave at us, the others busy cooking food. Bringing Sarah to the table, I sit down with her, the two of us joining Brandi, Jordan, Sam, Shaun and Helen at the table.

"Good morning guys," Shaun greets us politely.

I smile at him. "Good morning, Shaun,"

Turning to Sam, he hands me his mug, with I take a sip of, grinning as I taste the familiar tea. I hand the mug back which he rests between the two of us in the coffee table.

"So I was thinking, how about we all sit outside later and just everyone has a fun time?" I voice aloud to the others as everyone nods and agrees.

Sam rests his hand on my knee, his other hand holding onto a piece of toast. I watch in amusement as he bites into the toast, crumbs scattering all over his tshirt. I chuckle at him before wiping them off, my hands trailing over his toned chest and stomach.

Temptation [Sam Thompson FanFic, Celebrity Big Brother 2017 UK]Where stories live. Discover now