C H A P T E R 2

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"Okay all packed up" i whispered to myself as i stuffed my last pair of pants in my over flowing suitcase.

"JAIDYN ARE YOU READY WE'RE LEAVING" those five words broke my heart, the place I grew up in, the place where all my friends and family are everything i have is being flushed down the drain while i watch unable to do anything about it. "YEAH IM COMING HOLD ON" i yelled back taking one last look at my empty room.

"Okay are we going or not" I asked my parents hopping in back seat wondering when they would realize that i just wanted to leave and try to forget about the old memories i had made.

Skip the car ride

"Jesus larry you're such an idiot sometimes" my mom hissed in annoyance at my Father. By the sounds of thier conversation my father had gotten us lost...great just great!

"Mom, dad where are we" I asked "I dont know Jaidyn maybe if your father hadnt of gotten us lost WE WOULD KNOW!". wow she was really mad "it was just a question dont lose your shit" it was obvious that she was not happy with the comment i made. "Well you two figure out where the hell we are im going to sleep".

" WE'RE HERE!!! YES FINALLY! THANK GOD" i insantly woke up to my mother screaming in excitment and soon did i after being trapped in the car for literally 20 hours " wait we're actually here" i groaned sleepily
"yes finally we are so go grab your bags out of the car and pick out a room" i stepped out of my car and grabbed my bags out of the trunk and was immediately starstruck to see my huge beatutful beach house...maybe this wasnt going to be that bad.

After i picked out my room and started to get settled in I looked out my bay window and noticed our neighbors, two parents, a little girl she looked about 5 or 6 (yes i know Aaliyah isnt that young) and a older boy probally the brother he looked around my age 16 or 17, tbh he was pretty cute but i already have so much on my plate I cant start thinking about boys now.

"Jaidyn since this is our new home town you should go and explore, see if you can make some new friends.
"Mom i just sat in the car for 20 hrs do you really think i want to do anything else than sleep, eat and sleep more?"
"That seems like a good reason, goodnight honey ill see you tommorow" after she left my room i found the box with all my clothes and pillows/ blankets. I got changed and went on instagram like i always do before bed, after 15 minutes of scrolling my eyes felt heavy and i found myself asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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