chapter two

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It was about 3:15 and we had just finished eating at Olive Garden. I was stuffed. Now I was back in the car with Bibby so he could take me home. 

"Here, put ya' address in my GPS." he handed me his phone and I gave it a few taps, inserting my address. 

I handed it back and he mumbled it and began driving, following where the GPS was telling him to go.

"You had a good time?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I did. You guys are coo' people." I admit. "Well, Jaylen, I think you cool people, too. I also think're very beautiful and I love the way you carry yourself." he says to me. 

I was taken aback by his words. Was this ruthless ass, Chicago, "I'm from Chi-Raq" ass nigga complimenting me? 

"Wow, thank you. Since we're complimenting each other, Bibby, I like the way you move as a hustler and a grinder. Oh, and I think you're like fine as hell." 

He laughed at the last part which caused me to laugh. "'Preciate it," 

He pulls up in front of my house and looks at it. "You livin' nice. This yo' crib or ya' parents'?" 

I sighed, staring at our mini-mansion. "My parents'. I'm just living here for the summer and then it's off to college." 

"I admire that, honestly." He said, causing me to look him in the face. His eyes were this hypnotizing green color and they were so beautiful.

"Well, I still have to do what I gotta do," I licked my lips and his eyes watched very intensely before darting their way back up to mine.

"I feel you. So, uh, when can I see you again?" 

"Whenever I'm at the studio, I guess. That's my full-time job now." 

"Aight'. Put ya' numba' in here doe'." He unlocked his phone, went to contacts, and handed it to me. 

I inserted my number and put my contact as Jaylen from NorthEnd

He looked at it and chuckled. "Well, Jaylen from NorthEnd, I'll see you maybe tomorrow." 

I reach over and hug him and he freezes. "It's okay, Bibby. You can hug me back now, I won't hurt you." 

He slowly brings his arm off the steering wheel and onto my back and we hug for 2 more seconds and then let go. 

"Bye," I say grabbing my purse and walking out the car. He waited until I was in the house and then he pulled off. 

When I shut the door, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. 

"Excuse you, Jaylen." My mother's voice makes me stop in my tracks on the way up the steps. "Who was that thug that drove you home?" 

I sigh and continue up the stairs. "Mother, he isn't a thug. He's a rapper and his name is Bibby." 

"Bibby? What the-?" she pauses when I walk right past her to go into my bedroom. "I don't even care how he got the name. Look, you let him know where we live. For all we know, he could bring his possey all up in here and rob us! Or even worse!"

I take my heels off once I sat on my bed. 

"Are you done now? Because, I'm nineteen and I can see whoever I please. We're not even seeing each other, mother. I just met him today!" I argue back. 

"You just met him and he know's where you live! Jaylen, this is super dangerous." she looks at me one more time then exits out my room, closing the double doors. 

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