Finding a Lost Man

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“It’s locked.” John says handing it to me. “He never locked it before, but he did it to prove a point. He said I would never guess his pass code. And he was right. I tried several times and he only smiled.”

“It’s not your name?” Greg asked smiling.

“No. I did try it. I even tried Mary’s name.”

“Why would he use your name or your wife’s name?” I asked seriously. “He would use the name of something he loved. Something close to him.”

Both of them looked at me.

“Who’s Redbeard?” I say and show them I had unlocked the computer.

“Fascinating. You are like Sherlock.” Greg smiled.

“It’s his dog. Well, it was his dog.” John said. “I would’ve never guessed.”

I look through his files.

“Here it is. This is where we will find Sherlock.” I say and stand up.

“Are you sure?” They both say.

“Yes! Let’s go.”

Since it was nearing midnight, there wasn’t much traffic.

I overheard Greg call for backup and for an ambulance.

We arrive at the museum.

“Where are you going?!” I yell at both men and run toward the back of the building.

They follow me.

The door is unlocked. I open it slowly.

“He’s in the basement.” I tell them and they walk ahead of me.

Greg and John have their guns out. I let them lead the way.

We go slowly down the stairs and down a corridor. There’s a door near the end and they open it slowly.

As we go downstairs, we can hear voices.

“Just kill him already.” A man says.

“Let’s just finish this.” Another says.

“Not yet.” A woman says. “A picture for John.”

“Police!” Greg yells and the men start firing their guns. The woman also takes out a gun.

I run behind the shelves and manage to get to Sherlock. I begin untying him.

“It’s okay Mr. Holmes.” I tell him.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” He manages to say.

“I’m here for you.”

“No!” The woman yells and I look up.

“Janine! Stop!” John yells.

She gets up and points the gun our way.

“I’m not done with him!” She screams and I pull out my gun. I shoot her hand and she drops her weapon.

I finish helping Sherlock and I place my coat on top of him.

Lestrade and John have the other men already in custody.

The woman gets up and runs toward me. I grab her injured arm and push her against the wall.

“Why are you here?”

I squeeze her hand. She yells in pain. “I thought you liked pain?”

I cuff her hands. And she screams again.

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