Chapter 1

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Luke pov

French was so boring,i was just sitting at the back of the classroom playing with my pen,until a girl walked in with the my weird English teacher behind her. Everyone stopped what they were doing and took a quick look at the ''New girl''. She had long light brown hair in a messy bun,she had an amazing smile which showed off her dimples,and what was really funny was the fact she wore her school dress with black converses,i knew straight away some girls wouldn't approve of that. This girl was definitely different.Different was good.

My french teacher made her introduce her self,i found out her name was Skylar which was  unique and hot,and i also found out that her favourite subjects were media,and art.I could tell she was getting a few weird looks from girls,and to tell the truth she didn't seem to care.

After the teacher dismissed her and made her take any seat,she surprisingly took the one next to me.She gave me a smile before settling her self down.

5 minutes into the lesson our teacher told us to get into partners and work on a poster together.

I turned around and looked at Skylar,and i could tell she was pleased to be partners with me. 

''Umm hi  my names Luke,i don't think i introduced my self yet,and oh yeah by the way cool penny board''

I let out a little chuckle before letting her reply. 

''Thanks i got it for my birthday yours is cool too,and do you know why them girls in the front of the class room keep giving me weird looks?'' She asked curiously.

After then i told her all about them,and the class pricks and the nice ones. I looked at her planner and saw that we had most of our lessons together which was a good thing. We carried on talking throughout the whole two lessons until the teacher came around collecting the posters we had to do.

One thing you need to learn about my teacher was that she doesn't take sympathy on people,So if she says something you have to do it,no complaints. Unfortunately for Skylar she didn't know that,so we both got kept in detention.

I knew the boys would be angry for keeping them waiting,so i had to find away to get out of the lesson with Skylar fast.

Lucky for me Skylar already had an idea,which was hilarious ,but it was worth the try.

When the teacher wasn't looking we decided to run out of the classroom and lock our teacher in. At the end of the day we knew we would've been in serious trouble,but it was definitely worth it.

As we were running down the hallway laughing hysterical,we bumped into my my friends James,Aaron,my brother Jai,and the rest of the boys i hang out with in school.

Before i could catch my breath,Skylar quickly introduced her self in front of the boys.

''Ummm hey guys my names Skylar,I'm new in town,and your school,I'm friends with your friend Luke''

She smiled before looking at me and laughting.

I smiled at her back before realising the boys were giving me weird looks.

There was something about this girl i liked,and i didnt know what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2012 ⏰

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