August 24, 2017

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Chris Widin has been on 172 livestreams (as of August 24, 2017, according to the GTLive Wiki). Over that time, people have thought he was replacing Jason, gotten confused about who this new person is, and eventually accepted that Chris would be joining the livestreams regularly. Now those same people fangirl over him. Though fans of the community don't know much about him, we recently found out that his birthday is today, August 24th. (Even though we don't know how old he's turning.)

Chris is an arteest who draws on a chalkboard every day, that people then harshly criticize (except when they're legitimately good, but that's not often). He's younger than Matt, Stephanie, and Jason but apparently old enough that he went to high school with Stephanie and he's apparently one year out of college.

I can't write as much as I want to here because I don't know enough about Chris. I do know that majority of the community is underage females, and that a lot of said underage females have crushes on Chris. (What? They do!) He's very nice and sweet.

Chris' one-year anniversary for being on GTLive will be on September 16, 2017. On that day, he will have been on 188 livestreams and have drawn probably the same number of pictures on that board. There's a margin of error of 27 for that number (188 pictures) like all margins, of course.

Chris, you're cute. Happy birthday. I hope your birthday doesn't get forgotten in favour of Stephanie's 24th day of 30 days of birthday.

Happy Birthday Chris!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt