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I'm honestly so tied into this story more than my other one :(

Nico Hiraga

The heavy wooden door slammed behind me making me jump. I rub my left arm nervously. My legs feel heavy as I slowly walk down the mall's large hallway, dreading every step I take getting closer and closer to in and out.

I stand in the doorway spotting Koda eating. Not wanting to seen by Violet at all I crouch down, below a nearby plant towards Koda. I'm too focused on avoiding Violet I don't realize someone in front of me.

I slam right into them falling back on my ass. "Ouch. Oh my god I'm sorry , I should've been paying attention, I..." I look up at the person standing in front of me , of course out of anyone in the mall it was Violet. What are the odds.

"Are you hiding from someone or something?" She asks raising an eyebrow staring at me intently. Yeah I'm hiding from you Violet because i don't know maybe I'm not ready to see your face yet and I'm still hurt by you, I think to myself.

"No I was just uh..." I stutter looking for something as an excuse. She laughs at me."here let me help you up." She extends her hand, waiting for me too grab it. I just look at it, she looks at her hand too.

"I'm fine I can help myself up. Really." I pull myself off the ground and stand there awkwardly. "Well damn, I was just trying to help. I thought you'd be over this shit by now, but go ahead and be like that."

All I hear is the disappointment in her voice, my chest starts hurting. I never knew that one person could make you so confused with your emotions, this girl really fucks me up.

She turns the opposite direction walking the other way. I stand and watch. Why am I so stupid? Maybe she's right and I should be over this by now, I just can't find the emotional strength to be.

I sigh to myself.

I really do need her in my life. Without trying to hide this time I walk over to Koda.

"I miss her so much." I whisper to him. "I known you do bro.... "I messed up, I should've never left her like that. Now we'll never be friends again."

As we walked out of the food court, Tavia comes over to me. "Is everything okay? Are you alright? You seem upset." She looks at me concerningly.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it. Ill live."

We go to a few other stores and we all walk out of the mall. "Hey would you guys want to come to the house and stay?" Tavia asks Koda, Gabe and I.

"Yeah sure,it'll be a lot of fun." Koda answers for the four of us, shooting me a glare. I give him the look. Jesus Christ, thanks a lot. I mean I wouldn't have a problem with it but Violet lives with Tavia and crystal, and Violet seems pretty annoyed with me already.

"Alright cool." Tavia says then to my ear she whispers, " thank you for saying yes babe. You'll be fine I promise." She places a delicate kiss on my cheek. I can feel Violet shooting me with her eye lasers.

"Okay Tavia, I'm trusting you on this. If it doesn't go well and blood spills it's all being put in you." I whisper back sternly. She just chuckles. "Okay , okay , ill take full responsibility. I promise. Now let's go."

I plant a wet kiss on her forehead and wink at her.She rolls her eyes at me.Koda and I walk to his car and put our bags in the trunk.

"So what's going on with you and Tavia." He looks at me smiling wide. " I don't really know, I guess we have a thing going. "

"Are you gonna get some of that piece of fine ass women tonight?" He questions wiggling his eyes brows.

"You know you could if you wanted to." He states putting her aviators on. "Maybe, maybe not." I wiggle my eyebrows back. We burst into laughter. I reach forward and open her glove box grabbing Crystals all black Ray Bans that she had left in Kodas car awhile ago. "Well don't you look fancy." He looks over my right shoulder pulling out of the parking space. "Indeed You do."

violet  ☁︎  nico hiragaWhere stories live. Discover now