Li Shi Qing merely said 'oh' while his expression unexpectedly remained calm instead as he looked at him without saying anything.

The sudden silence that reign made Liu Zi Cheng felt slightly restless, as he frowned and stared at Li Shi Qing, "Qing Ye since you're not saying anything, are going to accept this?"

"It's because everything that I want to know has already been asked."

A smile flowed into Li Shi Qing's eyes, while his lips exposed the same perfect smile. This smile aroused a part of Liu Zi Cheng's memory, causing him to suddenly tremble in fear.

Something doesn't see right.

A flicker of light flashed across Liu Zi Cheng's eyes. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Xiao Li lying to the side in a pool of his own blood.

No, if he was really struck in the heart, the blood wouldn't be so little like that.

He suddenly pulled the trigger, but Li Shi Qing was already prepared to avoid it. Even though the bullet lodged into his left arm, he did not care at all as his fingers tightened its hold on the gun. Once he was able to firmly control his body from falling backward from the sudden movement and impact of the shoot, he opened fire.

Xiao Li, who had been lying on the ground, had turned over long ago to lie on his side. A gun that was hidden somewhere was now shyly in the palm of his hand and aimed at Liu Zi Cheng.

At practically the same time, Xiao Chen shifted the muzzle of his gun and shot at Liu Zi Cheng's two subordinates. With that, Ding Yong was finally able to get hold of his own gun which allowed him and Xiao Chen to simultaneously shoot at the two other men without stopping.

Obviously, everything happened in the span of only a few seconds, but time seemed rather endless. The only sound in the spacious warehouse was of bullets repeatedly flying out of its chamber. While the others restraint themselves, Li Shi Qing still held on to that smile until the bullets in his gun were exhausted. And, once the sound of the empty barrel became dry and hoarse, Li Shi Qing finally stopped pulling the trigger.

His and Liu Zi Cheng's subordinates had collapsed in the middle of a large pool of blood, completely dead.

Xiao Li gasped and released the gun as he swayed to stand up, and all the while his face has lost its color, leaving him a pale white.

"Qing Ye, are you okay?"

Li Shi Qing also stood up, covering the wound on his left arm, "It's just a small wound, but you——"

While he was in the middle of speaking, the large door into the warehouse opened with a loud noise and a few people quickly aimed the muzzle of their guns in.

"It's me, don't shoot," came the sound of Yan Ming's voice. Then the shadows of four to five people flashed inside.

As they moved in, those men did something to wall and in just a few moments the warehouse lit up like it was daytime.

Ding Yong and Xiao Chen was still gripping their guns firmly, refusing to let go.

"You can be really slow," Li Shi Qing snorted.

"There are several men outside that want to settle this too." Yan Ming lazily walked over with five subordinates while looking at Ding Yong and Xiao Chen and laughing, "Geez, why are you two being so cautious?"

Ding Yong and Xiao Chen gave Li Shi Qing a glimpse, looking for any indication. However, Li Shi Qing was looking at Xiao Li. Noticing that, the two bodyguards glanced at each other and expressionlessly put their guns down.

"No way...Uncle, you really shot him?"

Yan Ming reached down and poked Xiao Li's stomach, causing him to curl up a bit, "Didn't we said before that there will be a hidden bag of blood, and then use fake bullets?"

"They were already specially made bullets but the distance was too close." Li Shi Qing scowled as he shifted his gaze, "Besides, how can that kind of cheap trick fool Liu Zi Cheng?"

"How pitiful." Yan Ming leaned closer to look at Xiao Li only to see that a layer of cold sweat had already formed on is body due to the excruciating pain. "He's even shivering."

"Alright." Li Shi Qing glared at him, "You and I will stay here to deal with this. Let Ding Yong take Xiao Li to the hospital."

"I will bid by your orders, Uncle!" Yan Ming mischievously replied and stood in place without moving.

Li Shi Qing gave him a glance then turned away.

The situation took a change.

They have long been surrounded.

The five men that Yan Ming brought in had long taken their positions, waiting for him to turn around. The moment they saw the signal, they uniformly lifted their guns and surrounded him, Ding Yong and Xiao Chen, trapping them in the center.

"Yan Ming?!" Li Shi Qing angrily shouted.

Yan Ming chuckled and stood behind him before speaking in an unhurried tone, "I was hoping that you and Liu Zi Cheng would kill each other because no matter who lived, I'll have to dispose of him myself. How annoying. Isn't that right, Xiao Li?"

Xiao Li held onto his wound and simply uttered nothing else but 'yeah'. 



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