Chapter 2

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Journal Entry 2 (Continued)

August 3, 2013

... I had just ran into Bethany Mota! I may have forgotten to tell you one tiny detail. I am obsessed with Bethany Mota!Not like the weirdly obsessive type thing but just like a fan. And I had just ran into her and made her fall. I immediately got up and helped her up. She was in leggings, a stitch sweater, and chestnut colored Uggs. I apologized and then sorta started to freak out because I has just touched and talked to Bethany Mota! I then felt embarrassed by my appearance because usually when you meet your idol or someone pretty popular, you don't want to look like a street rat.

"I'm so sorry for my appearance!" I uttered out.

"Oh don't worry! Do you see the way I look? I should never go out in public like this!"

I took a closer look at her and realized she had on no makeup, was wearing her glasses, and her hair was in a messy bun.

"Puh-lease! You look amazing as always with or without getting all dressed up!" I said

"Aww thank you!" she exclaimed, "but really, you're so pretty!"

"Thanks." I blushed. I then managed to get a quick goodbye in before I started to freak out. I found my mom and told her all about what had just happened. She was really happy for me.

We continued our shopping. We got some hot chocolate for our Keurig, some cereal, some more milk, ice cream, pretzels, cheetos, granola bars, fruit snacks, bananas, strawberries, Greek yogurt, frozen waffles, syrup, butter, chips, pirate booty, AriZona's, which I had to beg my mom for, Naked juice, hummus, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, bread, cookies, pasta noodles, pasta sauce, and a lot more food. Then we got paper plates, silverware, cups, coffee mugs, toothbrushes, rugs for the bathroom, and a few other household things.

Once we got home I got into my bed and for the first time in what felt like forever, just checked my social media apps. I guess I had been caught up in the excitement of the past few days that I had missed the fact that Beth posted a video on the 1st. It was First Week of School Outfit Ideas. I watched it and then turned off my light and went to bed.

Journal Entry 3

August 4, 2013

Today was a pretty big day. We moved all of my furniture into my new room and I decorated it the way I wanted.

When I got up I went downstairs and got one of the "Starbucks Frappucino" drinks in a jar. My favorite kind is mocha. After that I made a bagel and then went outside and ate my breakfast since that's the only place with a table. Then I came inside, threw away my trash and ran upstairs. I went into my moms room cause that's usually what I do on Sunday mornings. We watched a movie on Netflix and then she told me that we were setting up my room today cause my uncle said that the paint should be dry by now. We took apart my bed and put it in my new room. When you walk in, right in front of you is about 25 feet or around 8 meters of space. Then to the left is like 12 feet or 3 meters and then to the right is about 10 meters or 30 feet. To the left is one big window and it shows the backyard. It has a ledge and a small mat. I decide that that will be my area to read. Once I get closer I see there is lights above the mat so I will be able to see at night! I cross to the right side of the room and another window is on the right wall, facing the front yard. Then on the wall that you see when you first come in, is two big windows and I have a view of the neighbors backyard and I can also see one of their windows. The curtains are open and I see what looks like a teenage girl room. I decide that tomorrow I will go door to door and introduce myself to the neighbors. I mean I'd lived there for three days. On the wall of the door to the side of the window facing the front is my walk-in closet. I went ahead and opened the door. I couldn't believe my eyes!It was the same size as my old old bedroom at my old home! Not the one I shared with my sister, but before Ana moved back in, I had my own room. It was the smallest in the house but it was still a 10x12. I walk in and see organizers lined up on all the walls except for the wall with the door. In the center is a sort of table. Have you ever been in Victoria Secret? It's like where they store there bras and underwear. All of the organizers and the table were white. Then to the right there was a window facing the front yard. Here is a link to what the organizers looked like.

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