Tessa and emilio explaning

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Tessa's POV
I just woke up and me and Jake was the only ones up. So I decided to tell him now while everyone was sleeping. Hey Jake can we talk for a min with the camera off please

Jakes POV
Yea. What's up

Tessa's POV
So u know how I told u that I liked Emilio

Jakes POV

Tessa's POV
Well...I kind of told him that I liked him

Jakes POV
Aww sweet...does he like u back

Tessa's POV
Yea..but I also asked if he wanted to be..bf and gf

Jakes POV

Tessa's POV
Yea..kind of

Jakes POV
....SWEET..btw I'm going to tell everyone

Tessa's POV
Ok. I went to Emilio's and Ivan's room and they were both sleep. So I just waited until they woke up. It was 10:30 and the boys were finally up. I told Emilio should we just tell him now. He said yea.

Emilio's POV
OML IM SO SCARED. Hey Ivan uhh.. so u know how I told u that I like Tessa...

Ivan's POV
Yea...i said in a suspicious way. I could see that Emilio was holding Tessa's hand

Tessa's POV
Well we are kind of together...

Emilio's POV
Ivan be calm ok

Ivan's POV
I'm calm bro. I'm good with it.

Tessa's POV
Great talk to u guys later about to hit the gym

Ivan's POV
Bye Tessa!

Emilio's POV
Bye babe

Tessa's POV

Emilio's POV
Hey Ivan I want to take her on a date like sit on the roof and stuff can u help me

Ivan's POV
Yea bro I will do anything for my little Temilio

Emilio's POV
Let's ask Jake to help us. Jake helped us carry a table with all of Tessa's favorite food and blankets.

Tessa's POV
I got done with the gym at 1:30 went to the house and took a shower. Me and Erika had to do a lot of things today. We had to go do a photoshoot then go grocery shopping and then of course go get food and go pick up Erika's grandma. 7 hours later I was just ending my vlog when Emilio told me to come to the roof...  


398 words

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