Shut Up No Pupils Boy

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"It looks like we'll have to take off the other seals." Sakura said as she walked over to us.

Naruto quickly ran over to the seal on the boulder. "We can start with this on-omfph!" he said but got cut off in mid sentence by Sakura punching him in the stomach.

"Baka." Sakura said as she shook her head from side to side.

"Naruto, we need to take all the seals off at the same time. If we take one off, then all of them will never be activated and the boulder will still be in between us and Gaara." Kakashi Sensei explained to Naruto.

"If Naruto is this desperate to get Gaara back, I don't know if I want to see him when we get our hands on some information about Sasuke. If Naruto can't get it together, he will end up dragging down the rest of us." in worry, I thought to myself.

It was then that Guy Sensei pulled out a small box and set it on the ground. When he carefully opened it up, there was microphone equipment in it. He pulled a few of the sets out and handed a pair to everyone in his squad and Kakashi Sensei. Once they had all adjusted them to their heads, Guy Sensei began to explain.

"This way we can communicate when we have discovered a seal. After that, we can pull them off at the same time and come back here to help you guys face the enemies." he explained to us.

"Who are we up against?" Neji asked us and I opened my mouth to answer but got cut off.

"HOW DOES THIS SOUND?" Lee loudly yelled into his microphone. Kakashi and Guy's squad cringed in horror from the noise.

"Lee, turn yours down!" Tenten snapped and rubbed her head.

Quickly, Lee turned his down with a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry." he said and awkwardly rubbed his head.

"Okay no pupils, use your black magic and find the other seals." I said to Neji who sent me a glare. "Sorry, I mean Neji please use your gift that gives you no pupils and find the other seals for us so we can get a move on."

Again, Neji looked as though he rolled his eyes but I still wouldn't have known if he had or had not. Even though he was annoyed with me, he activated his Byakugan and searched the areas around us. After a few moments, he began to spit out coordinates.

"So there are four other seals to lift?" Kakashi Sensei asked Neji who nodded to confirm it.

"My team can find the seals, but somebody from your squad will need to take care of the other." Guy Sensei said and looked around at us.

"Oh why the hell not." I thought to myself and raised my hand.

"This isn't a classroom." Neji said to me and I wrinkled my face.

"You know what Neji, I'm getting sick of you and your no pupil eyes. Okay?" I asked him and looked at Guy Sensei. "I'll pick up the extra one. You said there's one about one hundred kilometers west in a forest of trees?" Neji nodded a yes and I was handed a microphone set of my own. In not time, I was off. "I'll see you guys later!"

I ran as fast as I could to get to the seal. As soon as it was lifted, the seal on the boulder should have been released. Then we could get Gaara. It seemed a bit fishy to me though that it had seemed that easy.

"We had encountered Itachi in the forest and that was weird. Whatever that was about, it had thrown us off. So far, it looks quite easy to rescue Gaara as soon as the seal is broken. Maybe they have something up their sleeve?" I asked myself inside of my head. "Kami knows that scum like them are most likely not predictable. Despite the fact that they are horrible people, they must be skilled enough to be S ranked criminals for some reason."

Once the seal was in sight, I sprinted towards it. It was casually laying on top of a tree branch. All around it were gigantic trees with thick and wide branches. In disgust, I shuddered as I was reminded of the Chunin exams by them. Despite that fact, I did acknowledge it would be good terrain for a fighting area.

"Good thing I won't have to fight here though. There's a Kazekage to save." I thought to myself and peacefully sat down on the branch, next to the seal. My legs dangled over the edge and I playfully swung them as if I was a kid again.

"Does everybody have their seal?" Guy Sensei asked through the microphone.

"Yes." was the response from Tenten, no pupils boy, Lee, and I.

"Get ready and pull it off on three." he commanded and I got into position to where my two hands were holding to edges of the seal. The rest of my body was crouched and facing the direction of the end of the seal. "One, two, THREE!"

In a swift movement, I lifted the corner with my hands and rolled forwards to pull the rest off. When all of it was off, my heart was beating fast in uncertainty that we had all pulled the seals off at the same time. My breathes were heavy and my hands shook a bit from anxiousness.

"Did we-ah!" I yelled and was kicked towards the end of the branch. Rapidly, I flipped myself and landed on my feet. When I saw a clone of standing there with a mean look on its face, I clenched my jaw and let go of the seal. "It looks like we all should have a very special friend with us." I said as the seal fell past the branch and towards the ground of the forest.

"What happened?" Kakashi Sensei asked us.

"As soon as we-ah, I have no time to talk Sensei. I have my own ass to kick." I said as Anti-Harmony threw some kunai towards me and I jumped to dodge them. "I better put up a difficult fight." My body went into a tai jutsu stance and was ready to kick some of my own ass.


So what do you guys think? Next chapter will be a fight scene and you will be able to see the progress that Harmony has made over the two years of training. (: So hopefully, you are excited to read that. If anybody is worried about Harmony and Neji, they do not hate each other. They are both so similar in some aspects, so they're bound to clash. However, they do have a bit of respect for each other. Not that they would so easily tell the other though. (x

Have a wonderful day and smile! Farewell home dawgies!

Not Living With The Biggest Knuckle Headed Ninja Anymore!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant