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I have never read this book.

"Sadie: Why once, in my bunker at Charring Cross Station, I stalked the deadly prey known as Jelly Babies.
Neith: Are they dangerous?
Sadie: Horrible. Oh, they see small alone but they always appear in great numbers. Sticky, fattening - quite deadly. There I was, alone with only two quid and a tube pass, beset by Jelly Babies when... Ah, but never mind. When the Jelly Babies come for you... you will find out on your own.
Neith: Tell me. I must know how to hunt Jelly Babies.
Sadie: How many months have I trained you, Walt?
Walt: Seven. Almost eight.
Sadie: And have I ever deemed you worthy of hunting Jelly Babies with me?
Walt: Uh... no.
Sadie: There you have it! Even Walt is not ready for such knowledge. I could draw for you here a picture of the dreaded Jelly Baby, or even -gods forbid!- the McVites Hobnob. But that knowledge might destroy a lesser hunter."
- Sadie, Neith, and Walt from the Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan

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