Chapter 3

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Christine Sinclair felt extremely confident, as she twisted the doorknob of her hotel room. After all, she was one of the captains of this team, along with Carli Lloyd.

"Hello?" Christine's voice echoed through the walls of the huge room.

"Hey!" A cheery voice piped up.

"Wait...was that a British accent?" Christine thought to herself.

A blonde girl stepped out from behind the door.

"I'm Rachel Daly," she said with a sharp British accent.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Christine Sinclair," Christine said curtly. This whole British accent thing was throwing her off.

"Well hello Christine," The Brit said, "welcome to our room!"

"Our room?" Christine asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Yes, our room! I'm your roomie," Rachel said.

"Awesome," Christine said, trying to hide her disappointment. She has been hoping to room with Carli.

"I'm glad that you're exited about it," Rachel said, as she walked towards the door, "now if you'll excuse me, I have some people to see," she continued, as she walked out the door, her blonde ponytail bouncing with each step.

"Bye..." Christine gave a small wave.

Christine had just learned one very important fact:

With that accent, and the amount that Rachel talks, she won't be able to make it to the end of the season.


As Janine and Tobin walked along the street, heading towards the coffee shop, a million thoughts buzzed through Janine's head.

"How can I get Tobin as far away from Meghan as possible?"

"Would Tobin ditch me for her?"

Janine shuddered at the thought.

"You cold?" Tobin asked Janine, glancing over at her.

Janine wasn't cold, but she had a certain plan in mind.

"Y-yeah...I'm freezing," she lied, hoping for Tobin to hand her the jacket that she was wearing.

"You should have brought a jacket," Tobin said instead.

"Ha...yeah, I guess," Janine frowned. She should have known. Tobin wasn't cliché at all.

The two girls arrived at the coffee shop just moments later.

"What do you want?" Tobin asked Janine.

"Just a plain coffee, please," Janine replied.

"Okay, a regular coffee for her, and ill have an iced cap please," Tobin told the cashier.

"You go find a seat, I'll wait for the drinks," Tobin said to Janine.

The task wasn't going to be hard, as there was nobody else in the shop.

"Perfect, some alone time with Tobin," Janine thought.

Tobin arrived a few minutes later, carrying the two drinks in her hand.

"Here ya go," she said, as she placed the cup in front of Janine.

"Thanks," Janine smiled.

There was silence for a few moments, until Janine spoke:

"So...what do you think about your roomie, Meghan?"

Tobin looked to her right, and then to her left, before leaning in close to Janine.

"Promise you won't tell anyone about this," she said.

"I promise," Janine said. She had no idea what Tobin was going to say, and she impatiently waited for Tobin to spit out the answer.

"Well...I think she's kinda cute," Tobin blushed.

Janine spit out her coffee.

"Cute? You think she's cute?" Janine said, raising her eyebrows.

"Shh!" Tobin shushed Janine.

"For crying out loud, Tobin! We're the only ones in here," Janie replied.

"Oops," Tobin replied, "whatever, let's just get this mess cleaned up, before the cashier sees what happened,"

"Sure..." Janine muttered.

It looked like her alone time with Tobin didn't quite turn out how she hoped it would.
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