46. Confused Beans

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"Wait. Lou, can you come down here or I can come up? "

"Yes, okay. "

*Harry's P. O. V*

"I know and I am not even surprised to be honest . . " I hear Zayn talking on the phone.

I wonder what's all that about.

"Yeah. I know. The least H can do, is apologize to him.. Yeah. " Zayn sighs.

I almost fall from my position on the top of the stairs.

What? Oh my. Zayn is talking about me. But I should apologize? To whom? I try and listen more of his conversation but all I can hear is a "Yeah mate, they're both oblivious. "

And then Zayn sees me, and turns right back on his tracks and disappears down the hallway.

So, I have done something. And Zayn and the other person on the phone thinks I should apologize..

Well, I have admittedly done quite a few wrongs but which one are they talking about..?

This guilt of doing each and every wrong thing to Louis surely weighs me down a bit more each day though. Maybe I should start by apologizing to him first. . .

Mustering up whatever bit of courage I have left, I knock on Louis' door .

Only to be met with.  .  . An empty room?

What? I saw him wander into this very room about ten minutes ago. .

Maybe I should check out Liam and Ni's room.

I don't want to go in Zayn's room unless I absolutely have to, because I'm quite sure he hasn't forgiven me for all my mistakes yet. And frankly, I am afraid of losing him.
He has always been there for me, when I was most vulnerable, when that happened.

No. No. No.

Okay. I need to focus. Where is Louis?

"Niall! Have you seen Louis? " I ask, knocking on the door.

"Nah mate. He's not here." Liam's voice shouts.

"Okay. Any idea where he might be? "

"In your heart Harrehh! " Niall shouts more like, moans. . . WHAt?

"Um, Harry? Now is really not the time to talk. " Liam's strained voice says and I wait no more.

"Um. I, um, should go. See ya Later, Niam. "

Oh god. These two! Going at it, day and night.

Guess I'll have to ask Zayn now.

"Um, Zayn? " I hesitate, and knock lightly.

There's no answer for about a minute and I'm about to turn away when the door opens.

"Harry. "

"Uh, hi. Do you happen to know where Louis is? " I try and completely fail to sound cool. I sound worried. Which I am, but I could at least try not to look like I am.

It looks like Zayn is hiding something.
He's doing that thing of his, that he does when he's lying or hiding something. He's playing with his lip ring.

"No. I haven't. Why are you looking for Lou? " Zayn raises an eyebrow.

"Oh. Nothing. Are you hiding something, Z? " Zayn's nickname slips out, as a habit.

Zayn smiles a bit.

"Nope. Why do you think that?"

"Nothing. Just uh, an old habit of yours to play with your lip ring when you're hiding something.. " I point out and Zayn actually laughs a bit.

"No, H. You worry too much. Go and loosen up a bit. While you still can. " Zayn winks and sends me on my way.

I am genuinely confused and a bit happy too. What just happened.

My cell phone buzzes and I notice I have a while lot of unread texts and a few unanswered calls even.

I should really pay more attention.

It's people wishing me a 'Happy Birthday ' and stuff.

I am just heading for the kitchen when I hit something fluffy.

It's the kitty. Louis' kitty. It mews and purrs when I stroke her.

I wonder if the boys remember my birthday.. I mean, I wouldn't blame them if they forgot but a man can wish. . .


How was it?
I hope that you're not too disappointed.


All the love as always ,
(This time some extra love ♥ )
LarryHaveBabies xx.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant