He smiled widely and looked you in the eyes.

"Give me a few hours." was all he said as he hurriedly walked out of the room, "And stay there!" he called over his shoulder.

You were a little confused, but you stayed there and passed the time by watching a movie on the Muggle television set you helped him buy.

An hour and a half later, he walked back in the room. Leaning down so he could wrap his arms around you over the couch, he whispered into your ear.

"Come on, love."

Your heart rate picked up slightly and he led you upstairs to his bedroom. It was now dark outside, and you couldn't really see because there weren't many lights on in the house, but he carefully led you up the stairs to his bedroom.

Draco opened the door for you and when you walked in, your eyes went wide.

Dozens of lit candles surrounded the room and rose petals were scattered all over the floor and on his bed in the center of the room. On top of that, the room smelled like roses and the window was open which let a warm breeze into the room. This was definitely the sweetest thing Draco had ever done for you.

You turned around to face Draco. "Draco I -"

"Sh." He put his finger over your mouth. His finger let go of your lips so both of his hands could gently hold your arms.

He exhaled deeply. "(Y/N), I love you. And I know it was a lot for you to say that you were ready. I want you to know that tonight will be the best night of your life, okay? Well second best. Other than our wedding night."

You giggled but kept your eyes to his.

He leaned forward so that his lips were touching yours. "Don't be scared", he whispered, "Just let me in..."

You nodded and closed your lips on top of his. He kissed you back very sweetly and brought his hands down to the small of your back. Your hands came up to wrap around his arms and play his with his hair.

Slowly but surely, he ran his tongue along your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue inside. Your tongues fought with each other as Draco's hands slid to your waist, squeezing you very tightly and suddenly walking you backwards onto his bed.

He laid you down and hovered over you, now kissing you faster with a lot more passion. You tugged at his t-shirt, telling him to pull it off. He brought his body up and yanked off his t-shirt, tossing it to the other side of the room.

You stared at his toned body for a bit, running your hands down his stomach and chest, feeling the muscle that was there. Draco's hands went down to your shirt and he looked at you before moving. You nodded your head yes and he pulled the fabric off of you, revealing the top half of your body in your bra.

He gave you a big smile and went back to kissing you again. His hand slid down the side of your body, feeling you, touching you. He could feel everything and he was absolutely loving it.

You arched your back up to Draco, giving him the opportunity to unclasp your bra and slip it off of you. He pulled away again to stare at your beautiful breasts.

However, with your self-consciousness taking over, you slowly covered yourself with your arms. But Draco stopped you.

"Hey," he whispered, "you're beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful. You don't have to be self-conscious around me."

He kissed your forehead, "Okay?"

You nodded and brought your hands up to Draco's shoulders, and pulled him down onto you so he could kiss you again. Soon, your hands went to his pants and unbuckled his jeans, throwing the belt to the side. You pushed his pants down and he pulled them off of him, kicking them off of his bed.

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