I looked around the gym and smiled at all the little decorations. There were fake snowflakes stuck to the wall making it really feel like winter.

"Oh my god," I hear from behind me. I turn to see Rowan in a short poofy purple dress that looks beautiful on her.

"Row," I say as I place my hands on her shoulders. "You look amazing." She exchanges a happy smile with me before getting distracted from something that seemed to be behind me.

"I've gotta go." She said quickly before running off. Before I can ask why, I'm cut off.

"Millie you look-" I turned to see the one person I wanted to see the most, standing there starstruck. "Gorgeous." He finished smiling.

"You don't look to bad yourself." I teased as I came closer to him. We shared a chuckle

"Well," he said as he took a a step towards me. He put out his hand for me to take. "Because it's the schools Snowball, would you do me the honours of dancing with me?"

I looked at him for a moment, trying to hold back my smile as I heard the familiar tune of a slow song come on.

"Only because it's our song," I smiled as I brought myself closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I joined my hands behind neck.

" I am not the only traveler, who has not re payed his dept... "

I smiled as I placed my head against his aqua suit.

" I had all of you then most of you, some of you now none of you... "

"Take me back to the night we met." We both finished, softly. I looked up into his dark brown eyes and gave him a smirk as he gave me a smile.

"I know," I started. "You don't need to reminded me about how good of a singer I am." He gave me a laugh before saying the next words that shocked me.

"Your hilarious Millie," he laughed. "I love you." Immediately, I stoped dancing and looked him dead in the eye.

Did he just say he loved me?

"I love you, Millie Brown." He repeated nervously.

"And I love you, Finn Wolfhard." With that, I connected our lips, smiling into the kiss.

He loves me, he actually loves me.

"I swear if you spill that on me," Maddie laughed as she slowly backed away. "I will get you!"

"Maddie," I smiled as I approached her and her mystery date. "Who's this?" She gave me a smile before she turned back to the boy she was dancing with.

"Well," she said as she turned towards me. "Millie meet Jaeden, Jaeden meet Millie." I stuck out my hand to shake his with a smile.

"I'm going to get us something to drink." Jaeden said to Maddie. "It was nice meeting you." He quickly smiled. I returned a smile as before redirecting my gave to Maddie.

"Hey so whats-"

"Finn said he loves me!" I spat out, totally catching Maddie off guard.

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