chapter 6

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Miracle wiped her eyes, leaving the kitchen and sat next to LP. Brad saw that her eyes were now red and looked worried, had someone hurt his daughter? If so, he was going to be mad. Though she wasn’t his blood daughter, he loved her like one, and even held her in higher rank than Janet. He loved her in a family sense more than Janet. 

LP looked at her father as Miracle sat beside her. Miracle looked all around the designs of the castle like it was an interesting place to live, though to Brad and Janet it was like something out of the Twilight Zone. 

“So, who is Eddie exactly?” Brad asked out of the blue. “I heard you mention him sometimes during your lectures.”

“My sister Nadine’s boy,” Dr. Scott explained. “I never got married or have any children of my own, Eddie was like the son I never had. His father abused Nadine a lot, and luckily for her sake, she ran away with Eddie and stayed with me a bit until she got back on her feet. Unfortunately, one day when they got their own place, Nadine and I took a car ride, and got into an accident. I survived, though got injured, but sadly, Nadine was killed in the accident. It was the most horrific experience of my life.”

Miracle glanced at Columbia, a sad look flickering across her face. Brad looked at Scotty in surprise. He hadn’t known that about his science teacher. Janet even looked shocked. LP came close to Columbia to give a comforting hug. The pink-haired girl looked at her and pulled her into a tight hug, just this discussion about Eddie was too much too soon. 

That was when Riff Raff and Magenta came in to serve everyone their dinner. Magenta took the dinner out of its pot with the steam poofing and hitting Miracle’s face, making her wave it away. Magenta handed Frank his electric cutting knife and began cutting slices for everyone while he would eat the main part since he was Master of the castle and eager to eat this meal. LP then went back to sitting beside her father and Miracle.

Miracle glanced at Frank. She wondered what this mystery meat was going to be. She then looked back down at the table. Brad was looking at Dr. Scott, and Janet was similarly looking at the table with Miracle. Rocky got a taste of some of LP’s medicine when he took a glass filled with red liquid, ready to drink. Frank sensed this and bared his electric knife at Rocky to make him stop until he was done serving everyone their dinner. Once Frank served everyone, he rose his glass. “A toast, to absent friends.” He stated.

“To absent friends.” Everyone murmured, taking a sip.

Frank took a small sip and turned his attention once again to Rocky. “And, Rocky…” he smiled, taking out a party hat and singing Happy Birthday. Janet was joining in, irritating Frank. Frank sat down and made everyone stop and start to eat their food. “Shall we?”

Once everyone had been served, Miracle didn’t look at the meat, but once they were allowed to eat, had a small try. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. LP took small bites herself, everyone was eating in silence. Dr. Scott decided to speak up as it was bitterly silent. “We came here to discuss Eddie.” 

“Eddie!” Columbia gasped.

Frank glared at her, whirring his electric knife to shut her up. Frank then put it down and changed the subject by offering more food. That was when almost everyone dawned on themselves. They were eating Eddie. Brad did anyway, he was about to take a bite, but he found himself sick to his stomach.

“Excuse me.” Columbia stood up, walking out of the dining room and shutting the doors behind her. She then let out screams and cries for Eddie, the man she truly loved and would never see again. 

LP and Miracle silently watched as the adults were having a big argument. Dr. Scott mentioned aliens being part of Eddie’s new lifestyle, Frank accusing Dr. Scott of being a Nazi, Brad calling him out for it, then a discussion once more of Eddie’s life before he came to the castle. Long before, back to the day Eddie was born and hated his old teddy bear given to him as a mere child. After that, Frank had heard enough, so he pulled away the table cloth to show Eddie’s corpse, freaking everyone in the room out!

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