Divergent high school!

Start from the beginning

"So Tris do you have a boyfriend yet?" I stare at him for a moment realizing that I am staring into space.

"Oh I don't have one. Before I moved here I had a boyfriend but we are different."

"Well I need to get to Math." I hug him "See you later." As I make my way to Math I notice my math notebook is gone. It was Four. I am going to kill him! I search all the hallways but still don't see him. I spot Madi talking to someone. "Madi WHERE IS FOUR?!?!?!?! I AM GOING TO KILL HIM" Madi points at the boy talking to her. It was the boy with Blue eyes. Four. "FOUR GIVE ME MY MATH BOOK NOW OR I AM GOING TO KILL U." "You can't kill me if I you can't get me!" He smirks and takes off. "FOUR GIVE IT TO ME OR U WILL REGRET YOU ARE EVEN LIVING." He doesn't listen. I check my watch and read 11:05. FUDGE! I AM LATE and FOUR IS THE FIRST NAME ON MY LIST TO GET REVENGE ON. I run up the stairs as fast as I can. I knock on the door and see Four smirking at me. I give him a dirty look, soon he looks down at his test results. Miss. Shelberg comes over to me and lectures me "Miss Prior next time you are late you will be given a detention. Sit down next to Four." She gessures her hand toward him. I see that ever 28 students eyes are on me. The only pair I don't see are Four's. "I just wanted to say that I am going to kill you when math class is over." He bends over and takes out my notebook out. When class is done Four comes over and hugs me."Thanks four." He wispers in my ear,"Your welcome Tris." I rush over to my locker feeling so happy. Uriah walks over with Zeke folling him. "Hey Tris, I was wondering if you could come to my house for True or Dare? Dauntless style?" I glance at Uriah's shirt then say, "Sure Uriah! Oh and is Madi coming?" He nods slowly. He walks over to me and hooks his hand in my hand. I feel awkward. "Umm... Sorry Uriah... I need to... go.. Sorry..." I try to walk down the hall without anyone running into me. But that didn't go as planned. I started to cry. Soon enough Someone runs into me. "DUDE WATCH OUT." It Four."Tris calm down. And what's wrong." "LEAVE ME ALONE." I run out of the school in a snap. Four calls my name but I zone everything out besides my car and home. As I hop into the car I see four after me. "TRIS WHAT'S WRONG?" I shake my head and Punch on the step to go foward. I turn my smile upside down and cry again as I drive away. Should I still go to Uriah's still? When I get home and slam the door shut. "DAD I AM HAVING A MENTAL BREAK DOWN! SO I LEFT SCHOOL. LATER I AM GOING TO URIAH'S FOR A PARTY." I don't hear an answer. He must not be home. I race up the stairs, I text Madi.

Me: Madi, I had a mental breakdown at school so I left and headed home.


Me: Well Uriah put his hand in my hand and I couldn't take it so I ditched and I screamed at 4

Madi: Are u going to Uriah's T or D tonight?

Me: Yes I will tell them what happened and I need help getting ready! ;D

Madi: KK I BE THERE IN 5! (SCHOOL Ended for Madi 10 m agos! Just saying so u don't get confused.)

I rushed through me backpack to check if I still have 4's number. I still do. He wrote it in my math notebook. I pick up my phone and see there was a text from Four. Ekk! He texted me the boy texted me!

Four: TRIS WHAT HAPPENED TO U? You were okay at math class athen you rush out of the school like someone stabbed u. What's wrong?

Me: Well I left school because someone stabbed me in the heart with a fork. . and I am going to Uriah's party with Madi.

Four: I am going 2! :) Oh and sorry for bugging u. I just wanted to make sure that u okay... See u at party. I like u! I always wanted to say that.

Me: I like you too 4! ;) You always cheer me up!

Four: Me too! and Thanks.

I hear someone knocking at the door. I place my phone down slowly. I speed race down the stairs to see someone with Brown shaggy hair and I white shirt with light green eyes. "OMG ROBERT I MISSED U!" I run up to him and kiss him on the cheek, he blushes, aww he is so cute when he blushes. "Wait Robert, how did you get here?" He lets go of me and he gestures his hand toward the inside of my house. I move out of the way and he slowly steps into my room. "Robert I missed you so much." I peck him of the cheek with my lips. "So what brings you here? You live all the way in Vermont and you came here to Chicago to see me? Robert why are u here?" His Face turn red right after I kissed him on the cheek. "Well I really missed you Tris. And I needed to tell you my family is moving to Chicago and my dad said that I am going to Roth high." This is bad. I can't let him know about. and he can't know about four either. what am I going to do? "Hey Robert I am going to a friends house and I was wondering if you wanted to come with? And we are playing never have I" He grins. "Sure Trissy! I would love to meet your friends." I shove him into the bathroom while I put on a party dress. I grab my phone to text Uriah.

Me: Hey Uriah my friend from Vermont showed at my house and I was wondering if he could come to the party?

Uriah: THE MORE PEOPLE WE HAVE THE BIGGER THE PARTY! ;) Oh ands what his name?

Me: His name is Robert and he used to be my boyfriend but he broke up with me so now we just friends.

Uriah: Mkay I will tell Zeke... See you there Trissy! ;)

Me: KK

When I put my phone down I am all ready to go. I grab Robert's hand and lead him to my car.I notice he is in a Black shirt with matching pants.
I grab the door for him and I hop into the drivers seat. Five minutes into the ride I head Robert scream something. I feel the earth around me stop.

Haha cliffy! I love doing that. Anyways I am going to update to tonight because I am not busy.
I have a question to all you people! Do you play any instruments?
I play alto saxophone!

Catch you later,

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