Divergent high school!

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Disclaimer! I don't own anything, Veronica Roth does

TRIS P.O.V (Point of view)

I wake up to a screaming voice. I belonged to my brother Caleb. "TRIS GET UP YOU ARE GOING TO MISS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" I push my brother of the bed and run to the run and lock the door behind me.

This is going to be the worst day ever.

I brush my hair and put in a fishtail braid. I decided to put on a pair of purple skinny jeans and a green shirt that has one strap. I look into the mirror to make sure I look prefect. My straight blond hair bounced down to my elbows. With my dazzling eyes that could make any boy do anything I want. Wow, I thought today is going to be the perfect day ever. I run out to mom's car and with Caleb following close to me. "Tris I think you look great." I hug him and tell him "Thanks Caleb and please have a good first day at Erudie high." I walk over to my purple motorcycle. I start the engine up and hop on. "Bye mom." I wave to them as I drive to Roth high. I park next to this person red motorcycle. I walk to the office and ask "Hello I am looking for Tori, I am new here." The office person replies and turns on the loud speaker "Tori please report to the office as soon as you can." She leads me into this room with a neat desk and a Picture of Tori and this other person. I wonder who it was. "Hello Tris, I am Tori the principal and if you were wondering the person in the photo with me is Eric." She hands me a Piece of paper I review it with my eyes.

Welcome to Roth High,

Locker number :453

1. L.A room 17

2. Math room 12

3. L.A 2 room 19

4. Art room 28

5. Lunch

6. Social studies room 21

7. Science

8. Gym

I review it for a couple of minutes. I hear Tori is talking to another student. "Hello there I am Madi and I am here to show you around." I tell her I am going to my locker. She heads of of the room and to her locker. I head to my locker. I see these 3 boys. One small with blond shaggy hair with a gray shirt. He smiles I smile back. The other one is 1 foot taller then me. He has Black hair that is pin straight up with a baggy shirt. The last one has the lightest blue eyes I have ever seen. I walk over and tell them "Move." The one with the blue eyes come up "Never." "You better move or you don't wanna know what I will do to get to my locker." He doesn't back off. "MOVE!" He still doesn't, I punch his nose and he scats with the really tall boy. The small one gives me a thumbs up. I walk to Lexi tell her what happened. "Wow Tris you know that guy you punch was Four?" I start at her in disbelief "Oh well i have never heard of someone having the name four." She laughs a little "TRIS CAN'T YOU SEE? NO ONE MESSES WITH FOUR , NOT EVEN HIS FRIENDS OR ZEKE!!" "Well" I say as I walk away "I justed messed with him" I smile and walk away. I knew she was smiling back at me. I check my list to see what I have to go to first "Yay I have science." I say to myself as I walk into the room I see Four. "Oh no." I sit in an empty seat across the room. He managed to find a way to sit near me.

"Hello Trissy." He smiles. "Don't call me Trissy. Or I will call you mutbag." I look as far away as possible. "I am sorry that I got you mad at me." The teacher walks in, "Good Morning Class I am Miss. Hathaway. And I happy to welcome a newcomer to the school. Tris Prior." She has a very welcoming smile. I stand and everyone stares at me blankly. I rush to sit down and bang my head against the table. Four puts his hands on my back. I say "I'm okay I just bang my head." I see the same boy that gave me the thumbs up smile at me. He mouths the words "I am Uriah" I smile back and mouth "Okay I am Tris" I get back to "For the first project we will be doing stories with a partner. "Okay Uriah, Marlene. Zeke, Lynn, Haley, Ivy, Tris, Four. Last but not least Al, and Will." This can't be happening "This can't be happening" The bell rings. I walk over to Uriah, "Hi Uriah I was wondering If you could show me around the g. "Umm sure Tris." I walk behind out of the classroom.

Divergent high school!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum