Hold Me Through The Storm

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Hold me through the storm

Ashton's POV

"BANG" i heard another clash of thunder. Storms really scare me and I'm so angry at myself because of it. Damn it Ashton you're 19 you shouldn't be scared of storms. "BANG" an even louder clash of thunder. I really need Luke but he's probably happily sleeping. I hug my pillow and try to sing a song in my head. Oh stuff it I thought, I'm going to Luke's room.

Luke's POV

I really hope Ash is okay, I know he's scared of storms, should I go check on him? As I was thinking about Ashton I hear a sniffle coming from the door. There I see Ashton, looking like a scared little puppy, damn he looked adorable. "Ashton" I say when "BANG" a massive clash of thunder is struck, I hear a whimper come from Ashton, I see his scared emotion turn into a terrified emotion. "Aww come here baby." ASHTON quickly runs over to the bed and hops in. I cradle him in my arms as he begins to cry, "shhh it's okay baby, you're fine Ash" I keep on reassuring him. " I'm sorry " he says. Why would he be sorry, there's nothing to be sorry about, I wonder. I lift his chin with my finger so he's looking me in the eyes, "for what?" I ask, " for being such a stupid sook and being afraid of storms," he replied. I wrap my arms around him once more, "Ashton it's okay, everyone's afraid of different things, it's okay to be afraid of storms and the dark, there's no need to be sorry," I tell him with a kiss on the fore head. " I love you Luke " he whispers, " I love you too Ash. " I reply. He rests his head on my chest and I wrap my arms around him feeling protective. As the storm calmed down I heard the sweet little snores from Ashton as he fell a sleep. And not long after I fell a sleep too, thinking of Ashton.

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