First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!

Start from the beginning

Kristen was laying long ways on the couch with Eliana on her chest who was starting to fall asleep.

"Can you say, momma?" Kristen asked her trying to coax it out of her. Eliana just looked at her like she was crazy.

"Can you at least say, daddy?" Kristen started working with her, slowly sounding it out. they could work on momma another day, for now, she wanted to try and get Eliana to say, daddy before Rob got home. After a few failed attempts Eliana fell asleep on Kristen's chest. she loved these moments, she loved just being able to lay on the couch and watch her baby girl sleep on her. Eliana slept better during her naps if she was with someone, sleeping at night was way different than during the day. Eliana was usually restless and would whimper and cry in her sleep if she was in her crib during nap time, but place her on someone chest and she was perfectly fine.

Kristen got an idea and decided she wanted to go out with Suzie tonight and give Rob a night with his daughter. they rarely got moments where it was just the two of them and Kristen felt bad about that. Suzie was throwing a party at her house and Kristen thought it was perfect. getting on the phone, she called Suzie and told her she would be there around 7.



Kristen was all dressed up, doing her makeup. Body like a back road by Sam Hunt was blasting in the bathroom and Eliana was sitting on the counter in front of her.

 Body like a back road by Sam Hunt was blasting in the bathroom and Eliana was sitting on the counter in front of her

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"How does mommy look?" she asked Eliana when she was finished, getting a smile in return. She picked her daughter up and headed back into their room and sat her on the bed next to Rob.

"See you later baby," she said as she kissed Eliana. she raised her head up, kissing Robert." I love you, you two have fun but not too much fun" she smiled

"You have fun also love."

"I will, oh I might be a little drunk when I get home." she winked.

"Good, you deserve it. just please don't drive......"

"I won't,"

"Call me and I will pick you up alright?"

"Alright," Kristen left and made the hour trip to Suzie's. there were hundreds of people and most of them Kristen knew. A-List celebrities. she went and found Suzie over by the bar, the girls danced and drank and by the 4th round, Kristen felt like she was floating and also a little sick. the party went on for hours and it felt amazing to be back in the party scene. she loved her daughter, more than anything but it was nice to just get out.

Meanwhile back at home, it was almost 11 pm and Eliana had fallen asleep curled up against Robert. instead of placing her in her crib, he went and placed her down onto the couch, knowing he was going to have to go pick Kristen up. four hours later, his phone rang and Kristen's voice came through the phone. he laughed, hearing how drunk she was. this was what he wanted, he wanted her to drink as much as she wanted. Kristen was always being a mother to their daughter and never really took the time to herself. she never did any of the things she used to before she had Eliana, so when she brought up going to Suzie's party, he was all for it.

Arriving at the party, Rob watched as Kristen got into the car. he could smell it on her breath and her eyes were glazed over. the ride home was quiet, well except for Kristen talking to herself and Robert trying to contain his laughter. Upon arriving home Rob got Eliana out, Kristen reached out for her and Rob wasn't about to let that happen, he looked at her like she was crazy.

"No," he told her

"Why not?" Kristen asked

"Hun, you are in no condition to be holding our daughter right now."

Kristen frowned but didn't make a fuss about it. "I'm going to lay her down, you go get changed alright?"

Kristen nodded and stumbled into the house. Rob went upstairs and laid Eliana in her crib, making sure he didn't wake her up. he went back to their bedroom and saw Kristen struggling to undress.

"Um, you need some help?"

"That would be great."

He laughed and helped her undress and get into a nightgown. he pulled her onto the bed wrapping his arm around her, she was out within seconds and he wasn't far behind. after all, it was almost 3 In the morning.

What I never knew I always wanted (Robsten story) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now