Birthday gift

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Sorry I've been gone for so long hhhhh

So I've been a little bit sad recently since all my irl friends from Kentucky either drifted away from me over the school year or been grounded over the summer so I couldn't talk to them, and my friend just texted me out if nowhere yesterday and we started talking and today was her birthday so I drew her character for her:

So I've been a little bit sad recently since all my irl friends from Kentucky either drifted away from me over the school year or been grounded over the summer so I couldn't talk to them, and my friend just texted me out if nowhere yesterday and w...

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It's pretty rushed and I hate it but here it is

That is so awful I'm sorry

I'll probably redo it

I went to to new school yesterday for an open house and it's super awesome and I'm extremely excited and it starts this Wednesday so I won't be able to be on here as much and that's fine. But since it's art school, I'll probably post Classwork on here so I can at least have come content.
I'd spend most of my time here during school writing instead of working on art that isn't for art school so yeah ;))

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