Chapter Two

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Kara's P.O.V

I slammed down on my alarm. Breaking it into pieces. "Uhhh." I groaned getting up out of bed. I brushed my hair and teeth. Got dressed in a black sweater, grey skirt, and black flats. I put my hair up and my glasses on. Grabbing my purse I walked out, and was at CatCo. ™ in seconds. I walked in smoothing out my skirt and was met with James. "Hey Kara, how are you?" He said drinking his coffee. "Everyday gets better." I said frowning. He engulfed me in a hug "Kara it will get better, just give it time." He said placing his free arm on my head. I smiled up at him then went and sat down at my desk. "Ok, check my email, right some articles." I said quietly to myself. I checked my email, I had a message from Cat Grant. Kiera my office, now. ~C  I shut my laptop, and walked into her office. "Kiera, you are two articles short of being a reporter for the front page." She said not turning around. "Umm yes miss Grant." I said nervously. "I chose you to be a reporter, because you work hard. You haven't worked hard in 2 weeks. You need to have 2 interviews and articles, before Friday or I will have to fire you, to get you started you have an interview with Lena Luther, tomorrow at 3:30 pm." She said finally turning around and staring me dead in the eye. "Yes miss Grant." I sulked my head really low, and walked out of her office. Walking back to my desk, I lifted my laptop and saw an email from Alex. Kara we need you, a business by L-Corp and alley down to the left, alien attack.~ A read the note. I looked up and a sick smile appeared on my face, I got to beat someone up. I closed my laptop and ran out of the office space. Next thing I know I am flying off to the building. Landing in the alley, the two aliens stopped hitting each other and their eyes widened. I laughed a bit, and they relaxed slightly aswell. Next thing they know, I am behind them with my hands around their necks, tight. "What were you doing?" I asked with anger in my voice. Neither of them answered. "I'll ask again, what. Were. You. Doing?" Still no response I shrugged and threw both of them through the brick wall in front of me. Then picked them up again. I flew them all the way to the D.E.O, they screamed and covered their eyes afraid of the height. I was ten feet above my landing balcony before I dropped them and flew off. To be honest, I am mad about losing Mon-El but at the same time, now that he is gone. I can breathe. I still love him, I still mis him. I wish he was here, but I like the space. I flew to the beach. I needed some time off. I had an interview in less than 24 hours with a complete stranger. The way everyone spoke her name, she sounded powerful and scary. I guess cinnamon roll Kara will have to step up a little tomorrow. I landed a street away from the beach in an alley. I quickly got changed back into my sweater and skirt. I took off my flats, letting my toes sink into the cool sand. I looked around and I saw families, surrounding a campfire. I saw girls with their boyfriends and friends, playing with sparklers an running around with each other. I sat down and put my face into my hands. I had ruined myself, I let myself fall in love. Now he is gone, I have a job at stake, and my sister is now the happy sister. Not to mention, I lost literally my entire world, not even 20 years ago. So I guess no you can see how hard this is. I don't know, I guess I loved him cause he got it. Plus he made me laugh cause he didn't get human nature. It started snowing, as nightfall came. People put out their fires, wrapped up their blankets and left. There I sat, on the now cold sand, in the dark, with snow falling down on my head. I couldn't move, I just couldn't pick myself up. When I finally
did, it was 11:11 at night. Rao sen me a sign, what am I supposed to do now? I said in my head making a wish. I put my shoes back on and walked in downtown Nacional City. I came to a bar, the one where it gives drinks that can make aliens drunk. I sat down at the bar, the bartender Megan came up with my drink automatically. It slid down my throat easily. I signed for another, every night I end up here. Every night I try an forget my pain. I drink. The first one slid down easily. So did the second and third and fourth. I slammed down my money to pay, and headed out. Once again I found myself, walking the streets downtown. I came to a bar I haven't seen before. What the hell, walking in the music was so loud it was the only thing I could hear, even with super hearing. Continuing to walk through the club, I sat down and looked at all the people. There she was again. A girl, black curly hair. Red dress, red lips, and black heels. She was sitting at the bar, wine in her hand as she laughed and watched the crowd dance. I was drunk enough to walk over and sit down next to her. "Beer me!" I said to the bartender. He handed me a beer, and nodded his head before leaving to help someone else. "Let me guess, your favorite colour is red?" I said to the girl, she turned around, a grin on her face. "How did you know?" She asked takin a sip of her drink. "Oh I think it was the red dress, lips, and wine." I said back smiling at her. "Damn, I guess that does give it away. Lena Luther, you are?" She said sticking her hand out to shake. "Kara." I said taking her hand. "Well Kara do you want to dance. I am quite lonely." She said getting up and moving to the dance floor. I smiled at the ground shaking my head. I looked up and she turned around and signed for me to follow. I got up and followed the raven haired girl. We danced, laughed and drank, until about 2 in the morning. "Hey! It was lovely meeting you. But I should skirt on out, big interview to save my job tomorrow." I said giving the girl a hug. "I better get going too. Can't be to hungover for work." She said hugging me back laughing. "Bye!" She shouted. I went back to ask her for her name again. I got close and a guy behind me ran into my back and pushed me forward. I ended up kissing the girl. It ended as soon as it started. I pulled back wide eyed. "I'm so sorry, the guy behind me just pushed me!" I yelled. She started laughing "it's ok, they usually kiss me the first time we hang out." She said through giggles before turning and leaving my sight. I smiled as I exited the building. It felt good to be out in the cold air. "What the hell." Smiling at the ground I ducked into an alley. Changing into my Supergirl costume, I flew into my apartment and changed, I sat down on my bed and immediately fell asleep.

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