Chapter 17: 'first date'

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"This is really nice." I said as I looked out at the view, Brad reached across the table and held my hand which made me smile. "You are so beautiful." Brad commented and I looked down at my menu in embarrassment. "Don't be shy." He said and I smiled a little. "You're really handsome." I quietly replied and he smiled.

Today he is wearing a black and white stripy T-shirt with a brownish jacket and some black jeans, but no matter what he wears he always looks good so there isn't much need to describe his outfit

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Today he is wearing a black and white stripy T-shirt with a brownish jacket and some black jeans, but no matter what he wears he always looks good so there isn't much need to describe his outfit. "Thank you." He replied and smiled back. "How is your song writing going?" He asked as he looked out at the view. "Not too bad thank you, it's just stressful trying to find the lyrics." I said and Brad nodded. "I know what you mean." He replied and I smiled. "How is the band going?" I asked and Brad giggled a little. "Not too bad, I think we are planning on having our first cover up on YouTube by the end of this week." Brad explained. "What song are you thinking of doing?" I asked. "Well we voted on a few songs but I think the one we are going to do it Vegas Girl by Conor Maynard." He replied. "I like that song." I commented and he nodded. "Where are you going to film it?" I continued to ask. "Probably just in our dorm, we might just sit on the window ledge and play our guitars." Brad said and giggled which made me laugh a bit. "I can't wait to see it." I replied and he nodded. "Maybe you could do a few covers with me and the boys?" Brad asked. "I don't think that's a good idea, people will think I'm in your band." I explained. "Not if we say that you're featuring in the song." Brad said and winked which made me giggle. "For now I think it's best if you boys find your fan base before you start featuring people in your covers." I said and Brad nodded. "That's if anyone will like us." Brad explained. "One strawberry and one chocolate milkshake." The waiter interrupted and then passed them out. "Thank you." I replied and then smiled at the cute little cup they came in.

" I replied and then smiled at the cute little cup they came in

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Are you ready to order your meals?" The waiter asked. "Could we just have a few more minutes." Brad asked, we both realised that we have been talking too much and forgot to choose what we want to eat. "Of course." The waiter said and walked off, I picked up my menu again and looked at all of the food options. "What are you going to go for?" I asked. "I'm not sure if I want a sandwich or something with pasta." Brad said and I nodded. "I think I'm fancying a bacon sandwich." I replied and Brad nodded. "If we both get sandwiches then we can share a pudding after?" Brad asked. "Yeah sure." I replied. "I'm going to get a chicken and mayonnaise sandwich then." Brad said. "Similar to the one I had for dinner a few weeks ago." I said and Brad nodded before holding my hand a little bit tighter.

We called the waiter over and ordered our sandwiches, after about a 15 minute wait they arrived and I have to say this is one of the best bacon sandwiches I have ever had which is saying something. Even Brad was surprised with how nice his was. "That was really good." Brad explained and I nodded in agreement. "What did you want for pudding?" Brad asked as the waiter came and took our plates away and then handed us back the menus. "I really fancy ice cream." I replied and he nodded. "So do I actually, it says here that if you are getting a portion for 2 then you can get two flavours." Brad explained. "Ooooo, how about we choose one flavour each?" I asked. "I want vanilla." Brad commented. "I will go for chocolate then." I replied. "Nice choice!" Brad exclaimed and I smiled. We ordered our ice cream and a few minutes later the waiter placed it in front of us, we thanked her and Brad let go of my hand and grabbed a spoon.

"Are we planning on doing anything after lunch?" Brad asked as he took a scoop of ice cream and put it in his mouth. "We can if you would like to." I replied and he nodded. "What would you like to do?" Brad asked as I picked up my spoon and started eating. "Is there somewhere to go bowling around here?" I asked and Brad nodded. "Yeah, did you want to go bowling?" Brad replied. "I should have enough money to go, yeah." I explained and Brad shook his head as he ate another scoop of ice cream. "Nope, you're not paying. This is date day!" Brad said and I rolled my eyes at him. "I can pay for myself, it's ok. If you keep on spending you're money on me then you won't have any left." I explained. "I would rather spend my money on you than anyone else." Brad replied and I blushed a little. "You're cute." He continued and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles. "So are you." I replied and he smiled.

We finished our ice cream and drinks and then Brad paid for our food after I insisted on paying, he held my hand as we walked out of the cafe and down the road. "We need to get on a bus to go to the bowling alley." Brad explained. "That's fine, is it by the cinema?" I asked and he nodded. "I went there yesterday." I continued. "Was the film good?" Brad asked. "Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Rachel got excited about Harry Styles and then got annoyed at me because I don't find Harry Styles attractive." I explained and Brad laughed as we paid for a bus ticket and then sat on the bus. "Not everyone finds Harry Styles attractive, I'm not much of a fan of 1 Direction." I continued and Brad nodded. "I get that." He replied and then we both looked out of the window.

There was a few minutes of silence and then Brad decided to make conversation again. "The boys asked if you wanted to come with us to a party next week?" He randomly asked out of nowhere and I smiled a little. "I'm not really one for parties." I replied. "Ah come on! You will have us boys with you, you won't have to talk to anyone else." Brad suggested. "But parties normally means popular people and alcohol, I'm not a popular person and I don't drink." I explained. "It doesn't matter if you are popular or not, you've been invited by us so people will understand and you don't have to drink anything." Brad replied. "Can I think about it?" I asked and he nodded before holding my hand. "Of course you can, I'm not going to force you to go but I would like it if you did. You might encourage me to stay away from the drink..." Brad said and I nodded, understanding what he meant.

As you have probably noticed I have started using pictures so it's easier for you to imagine certain things, let me know if you like this idea because I do!

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