We couldn't understand her at first, but she wrote it down on a piece of paper. It was just English. We thought she was talking alien. Haha!

" Umówmy się, aby porozmawiać z jednym tylko języku, który jest Polska.*", I said.

*Let's agree to speak with only one language, which is Polish.

"Zgadzam się!*", Merida said.

*Agree! in Polish

There would be a consequence if they spoke in another language.

'Fortell henne om Hans, Anna.*', I thought. She might think I'm crazy if I told her, I have a boyfriend.

*Tell her about Hans, Anna. in Nowegian


"Tak, Anna.*"

*Yes, Anna. in Polish

"Mam chłopaka!*", I screamed.

*I have a boyfriend!

"Ci, co?*", Elsa reluctantly said.

*You what?!

"Jak możesz, mówię wujka i ciocię!*", Elsa threatened me.

*How could you, I'm telling uncle and auntie!

She was gonna tell me to uncle and auntie. My parents. My foster mom and dad.

"Oh yeah. Wyjaśnij datę z Jackiem*.", I made an excuse.

*Oh yeah, explain your date with Jack.

"Rapunzel!", Elsa was furious.

"Skąd wiedziała?*" Elsa's tone was with rage.

*How did she know?

"Nie wiem.*", Rapunzel said. She was about to cry.

*I don't know.

"Merida...", Rapunzel was suspicious.

"Co? Myślisz, że powiedziałem.*"

*What? You think I told her.

"Zostaw mnie z tego.*", Merida walked out.

*Leave me out of this.

Then we heard someone chuckle. Elsa burst with laughter. It was so loud, so we laughed to.

"Byliśmy tak żałosne.*", Merida said as she guffawed.

*We were so patethic.

"Ok. Zatrzymajmy.*", Rapunzel requested.

*Okay. Let's stop.

"Ale ja mówię poważnie Anna. Nie można po prostu dotąd nikomu właśnie spotkał.*", Elsa warned me.

*But I'm serious Anna. You can't just date anyone you've just met.

"Ale to unfair. How o Ciebie i Jacka?*", I sobbed.

*But it's unfair. How about you and Jack?

"To nie jest randka. Jesteśmy po prostu spotykać się jak przyjaciele.*", Elsa said.

*It's not a date. We're just hanging out as friends.

"Co o swojej reakcji?*", I asked as my tears dropped.

*What about your reaction?

"To było po prostu wielkie nieporozumienie. Byłem po prostu w szoku, że wiedział. Skąd wiedziałeś?*", Elsa said.

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