my super new hot bf!!!!!!! Untitled Part 2

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Logan then sat me down, sniffing the air like a dog. Jake then pulled out a rigid dagger, stained with blood. "The sacrifice has came to us Logan... How should we deal with her?" Jake asked Logan. "Lets peel off her skin for motherland." They then pulled out this funny looking hats, with both a hammer and sickle placed on the button attached to the weird, furry hat. I screamed. They threw me to the ground, and nobody minded as they passed the busy pizza shop. They both started cutting my leg, blood leaking all over the floor. Logan looked focus, but Jake was laughing. "FOR MOTHERLAND!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Soon, my legs looked like a long, peeled grapefruit. Jake and Logan started looking around the pizza place, while I cried looking at my peeled bloody legs. The pain was unimaginable. They then came out with salt shakers. Logan grabbed my arms and started to comfort me, saying things like "It's gonna be alright..." Jake poured all of the salt on my stinging legs. Logan let go off my arms, and started giggling to himself. Jake then said "This is for the workers who deserve freedom. Soon the whole world will be one with red!" I didn't understand him with his weird accent. They walked out of the door of the pizza shop, leaving me with my black worker uniform stained with the blood s from my legs. I sat there, and nobody did anything. I couldn't walk either, and Logan and Jake's plans seemed so simple now... They wanted me to starve... 

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