chapter 2

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Unknown: Hey sophie, this is Daniel.. your neighbor, Dan talked to us about everything and we want you to meet all of us for dinner tonight. Our house at 6 if you would like.
Sophie: Hi... and all of you? Who all is my new neighbors? 😂
Unknown: Well Me, Corbyn, Zach, Jonah, Jack, and our manager David.
Sophie: your manager ? What?
Unknown: we will explain all about us when you come over.
Sophie: Huh...can you send a picture of yourself so I know you are my real neighbor and not like a psycho killer.
Unknown: What! Sophie!😂😂 okay sure hold on.

Unknown: What! Sophie!😂😂 okay sure hold on

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Sophie: Ahahah thanks! Where r you going?

Wow he is really cute. But I can't help but see who are the people in the back?

Daniel😍: me and the boys are on our way to chipotle. We love it!
Sophie: No way!!  I just left there!!!
Daniel😍: Hahaha dope. We should go sometime.
Sophie: let's do this "dinner" and we will see what happens from there. 😂
Daniel😍: wait.. you just left, you better not be texting and driving!
Sophie: I'm not.... yeah guilty. But I'm at a stop light!!!
Daniel😍: we will talk later, drive safe!

Wow. He already seems like a sweet guy! I can't wait to meet him!!

I pull in to my drive way and look over at his house. They aren't home, like he said. But damn is there house twice the size of mine. I mean he did say they have like 5 people living there.

I chill in my long black t shirt with my hair in a bun in my bed and watch Netflix. I look over at the clock and it's 4. I have 2 hours until this dinner and I hope it goes well. I start to think about what would look cute for Daniel and the guys so they don't think I'm trash, while I hear a door slam.

I look over to my left out my large glass door and window, through the balcony I see him. Now I don't think that's Daniel because this one had a set of brown curly hair on the top of his head...that's attractive. Wow why are they all so hot so far!! God damn.

"No sophie.. you are NOT getting feelings for ANY of your neighbors!!!"
I think about Daniel and this noodle head... they look like best friends to me....yeah best friends is all there is! I need to focus on my cosmetology!!

I feel weird because we legit can see each other if we look through and I want to pull my shades down but I feel like he will see me do it... whatever I'll do it fast. I pause Riverdale and jump off my bed by the lamp and right as I am about to press the button he is walking out on to the balcony looking over an laughing. Damn it.  Now I have to go out.

I try to fix my hair but there is no use. I look like trash right now but I have to go now. I open the door and walk out and lean against the railing next to him.

Sophie: tell me you didn't see that
Jack: oh I saw it all right *laughs*
Sophie: you have a cute laugh
Jack: thanks? I guess hahah
Sophie: OMG! Did I say that out loud!!! No no!! Now you think I'm a creep ughhh no!! Now you think I like you but I just want to be friends with all you guys!!
I turn and start walking back to my room. Before I can Jack catches my shoulder and turns me around. His touch sends shivers down my spine, but I don't show it.

Jack: Hey it's okay! I get it, I just came out of a hard relationship and all the boys want to be friends too with you, and I mean you can't possible like me already you just meet me! Haha
Sophie: oh I'm so sorry to hear that!
Jack: anyway... let's not talk about that... my names Jack Avery.
Sophie: my name is Sophie Lynn, nice to officially meet. And what time is it?
Jack: it's ummm 5:20 why?
Sophie: Shit!!! I need to get ready!! Dinners at 6!!! See you there!
I turn and run in my room, I shut my shades so I can get changed and I hear jack walk back in his room.

"Phew i thought I screwed that one up! Thank god he wants to be friends too!" But i part of me had butterflies but I shook them off.

I curled my hair and put on the camo dress with black high heels, did my make up cute and grabbed my phone and started walking down stairs. I look at my phone and it's 5:58 so I am doing good. I walk out my front door and start heading over and I see a man in the front of the house by his car like he is waiting for me.

I walk over to him and he starts talking to me.
David: Hi I'm David I'm the boys manager. I own the house, but the boys think they do but nah so don't let them trick you.
Sophie: Hahahaha okay Mr. David, I'm sophie Lynn.
David: please call me David, nice to meet you, I have to go on some business meetings for the boys but they are in there and dinner is ready. I just wanted to quick introduce myself before I leave.
Sophie: Okay nice meeting you! See you around David!

He drives off and I reach the front door. Now it's just me and the boys... hopefully it's not awkward. I raise my finger to ring the doorbell and. Before I touch it Daniel opens the door.

Daniel: Hey stranger!!!! Hahaha come on in!
Sophie: Hey.. Daniel right?
Daniel: yup thats me.

I follow him in to the kitchen and all the boys are siting down waiting to eat.
Zach: Can we eat now ?!
Daniel: sorry for his rudeness but everyone this is our new neighbor sophie, sophie this is jack, zach, corbyn, and jonah.
Sophie: nice to meet you guys!
I take my seat next to Daniel and Corbyn I think? Because that was the only seat left.

Oh my, as I look around the faces at the table as they dig in I know I dig myself in a hole. How was I supposed to live next to these 5 beautiful guys and not get feelings for any of them!

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