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It was a rather typical night out for the "SaberSquad", which consisted of Minerva, Sting, Rogue, Yukino, Orga, and Rufus. They went to a favorite neighborhood bar, which also happened to be the only bar that hadn't banned "crazy, drunk wizards".  At this point in the evening, everyone was pretty buzzed. Rufus was off flirting with some unfortunate souls, and Orga was rapping outside. Minerva was regally sitting upon a bar stool as if it was a throne. Sting and Rogue were right next to each other on a small couch, talking about random stuff. Yukino was sitting in a nearby chair, giggling silently.

"What are you laughing about, Yukino?" Minerva asked. Sting and Rogue looked up.

"Nooothing." Yukino giggled again, her eyes flitting to the two dragon slayers with matching confused looks.

"Ahh, the lover boys."


"WE AREN'T..."



"Oh, how cute, they finish each other's sentences." Minerva looked on them with a smirk. Sting and Rogue looked anywhere but at each other, springing apart when they realized how close they were. Sting glared fiercely at Minerva, and Rogue took extreme interest in picking at the couch armrest.

"We're not dating, Minerva!" Sting said sternly.

"Oh really?" Minerva retorted.

"Minerva, they look uncomfortable..." Yukino tried to hold in her giggling and be supportive, but really, it was so obvious Sting and Rogue liked each other... well, maybe not to them...

"Minerva! How could you say that! Of course Rogue doesn't like me! We're just best friends! I don't know where you got this idea..." Sting kept on babbling. Minerva and Yukino made eye contact when he said Rogue doesn't like him, and not that he doesn't like Rogue. Meanwhile, Rogue refused to say a word, and just kept staring off into space.

"Oh, come on. It's so obvious." Minerva rolled her eyes.

"You're wrong, Minerva!" Sting scowled.

"I bet that you two couldn't even hold hands for a week without revealing your affections." Rufus leaned on the bar next to Minerva. Orga, who had also reappeared, stood on her other side, grinning. Rogue's eyes got really big, and he continued to stare intensely at a random chair. Sting's glare flitted from Minerva, to Rufus, to Yukino, to Orga.

"That's ridiculous. We could do that easily."

"Prove it." The words curled off of Yukino's smile, and everyone was immediately shocked. This was something Minerva, Rufus, or Orga would say, not shy little Yukino! Minerva immediately pounced on the idea.

"Yes. Prove it then."

"What?" Sting's eyes were very wide, but he smelt a challenge, and he couldn't pass it up.

"Yes. By the way, thank you, Rufus, for the great idea. This will work nicely." Minerva smiled evilly.

"So, what do you think, boys?"

"You are so on." Sting stared them down.

"Sting, what?!" Rogue yelped, jumping back into the conversation. The others laughed. Sting tried to hide his gulp as he glanced at Rogue. Whoops, his competitive spirit got the better of him again.

"Looks like you didn't talk to your love before you made that bet, did ya?" Minerva laughed.
Sting stood up, grabbing Rogue's hand to pull him up, too.

"The bet starts now. Let's go home." Their friends waved and continued to laugh as Sting pulled a flustered Rogue out of the bar.

"Sting, why did you do that?" Rogue's voice was stern and his eyes were glinting.

"I couldn't help it! Besides, this way, they might get off our back about the whole thing." Rogue sighed and attempted to walk away and drop his partner's hand, but Sting held on.

"We have to hold hands, Rogue."

"Whyyyy!" Rogue complained.

"It's just for a week! We can hold hands for a week!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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