Chapter 34

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Zayn's POV-

It's been a week since we found out that Molly has brain cancer. Lucy has been recently removed from the studio from the little stunt she had pulled in the duet.

Lucy's mum made her come over and apologize to Molly but Molly didn't accept it.

Molly started chemo therapy a few days ago and it is really hard to watch her sick.... Ugh I hate cancer so much! Like why the hell did it have to happen to Molly! My daughter!

We are spending the day at the hospital with Molly while she gets chemo. She has been sleeping the past few hours.

"I'm going to go grab something to eat." Niall says.

"Of course you are!" I say grinning.

He playfully punches me in the shoulder and walks out.

Just then, Gemma walks into the room.

"Hey Gem." Harry says hugging his sister.

"How is she?" Gemma squeaks.

"Ok. I guess." Louis pipes up.

I see tears form in Gemma's eyes but she quickly blinks them away. We sit there in silence for a few minutes before my phone rings.

"Excuse me." I announce leaving the room and going out into the hallway.

I look down at my phone to see that Miss. Pepper, Molly's orphanage instructor, is calling.

I look at the name questionably but answer.

"Hello?" I speak.

"Hello Zayn! How are you?" Miss. Pepper cheerfully replies.

"Ok." I say kind of glum.

"Oh I heard about Molly. I'm so so sorry!" She says into a calm tone.

"Thanks. So what did you want exactly?" I ask.

"Oh well um see we have this new girl at the orphanage and she is kind of trouble. Nobody wants her and I'm afraid that if she doesn't get adopted soon, she will have to spend the rest of her childhood in here." Miss Pepper says sadly.

"Oh well why did you call me?" I question knowing what she is going to say.

"I was hoping that you and the other lads would mine adopting another." Miss Pepper exclaims.

"Um well I will have to talk to the boys about it and Molly so I will call you back later." I say.

We say our goodbyes and hang up. Another kid. Woah. I don't mind personally but the I don't really know about the other lads.

{A/N: SORRY this chapter is terrible! It's kind of just a filler:/ Comment if you want me to update later(: Thanks! Please VOTE!}

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