Me:Hi there
Then she simply walked off
Me:Well OK then
I sat up and checked my phone then got up walking to the front of the hotel to see our suitcases already packed and harmony on her phone I crawled on the couch laying my head on her lap
Catching her attention
Harmony:Hey babe your awake now
harmony pecked my lips then continued looking at her phone then she looked up past me
Harmony: You just gonna stand there or say hey to him
I looked behind me to see the same little girl still looking at me
Harmony:Alyssa say hey
But she just walked off again
Harmony:I don't see where there is for her to go but okay
I chuckled
Me:She looks kinda like you
harmony:You think so?
Then Alyssa walked back in over to harmony still looking at me
Alyssa:Tee Tee
Harmony picked her up
Harmony:What's up lyss
Alyssa eyed me again then layed on harmony
Harmony:you juss trynna be nosey
Harmony:You see tee tees cute boyfriend
I chuckled
Harmony:He's cute ain't he
Alyssa nodded I chuckled
Harmony:We gotta leave in like an hour
Me: OK
Then Alyssa spilled her juice on the floor
Alyssa started crying
Harmony:Aww its okay lyss we can get you another one harmony picked up the box
Then there was a knock at the door I got up walking to it opening it to see jon
Me:Hey bro
Jon:Y'all ready to go?
Harmony: We aren't leaving till 1:30
Jon walked in looking at alyssa
Jon:Who's kid
Harmony: My neice
Jon: Oh
Jon walked over to her kneeling down to her height
Jon: Hey kid
Alyssa just looked at him
Harmony:Say hey alyssa
But she didnt which shocked jon
Harmony:i guess shes not in the mood to meet new people she wouldn't even talk to joe
I looked at her
Me:Hey Alyssa
She looked at me then clung onto harmony
Harmony:Say hey to uncle Joe
Alyssa shook her head
Harmony: lyss...OK fine I won't get you anything else
Then Alyssa started crying
Me:Is she spoiled
Harmony:Very....OK lyss that's enough stop But she didn't
Harmony:..OK Tee Tee's sorry
Then she hushed harmony sighed
Harmony: OK take a nap since we have a hour or two
Harmony layed her on the couch and walked to the back and me and Jon loaded the suitcases in the car when we finished I got my shower and got dressed I walked back to the front putting my hair in a bun
???:damn daddy
I turned around to see harmony staring I chuckled wrapping my arms around her we kissed
Harmony:We'd be fucking by now if lyss wasn't her
Me:We probably would how long she with us?
Harmony: 2 weeks
I nodded
2 hours later
In the car
As I drove down the road I looked at harmony who was on her phone and at Alyssa who was staring out the window in her car seat
Alyssa:Tee Tee
Harmony: What lyss
Alyssa:I wan ice cweam
Harmony:No lyss
Harmony: Cause I'm not going in for an ice cream for you to fuck up the car with
Then Alyssa started crying I pulled over at a QT to get gas
Harmony:Alyssa shut up
Alyssa:I wan go in
Harmony: I don't feel like getting out no
Alyssa started crying louder
Harmony:Its not that deep lyss
I smirked
Me:But I know what is
Harmony:Eww go get gas
I chuckled grabbing my wallet and getting out
Alyssa:I wan go in pwease
Harmony: No
I shut the door then looked at Alyssa who was reaching for me
Harmony:Don't reach for him and you couldn't even say hey
I opened her door she reached for me
Alyssa:I wan go in
Me:You wanna go in?
Alyssa nodded
Harmony:Alyssa stop being a snake
I unbuckled her car seat getting her out and picking her up and went in
Me:You want something out the store kiddo?
She nodded i put her down and let her get what she wanted
Harmony pov
While i was sitting in the car joes phone rang i looked at the caller ID
Me:Why is colby calling joes phone
I picked it up answering
Colby;Hey harmy
Me;Why are you calling joes phone
Colby:Cause i tried calling you but you didnt answer
Me:My phones dead
Then i saw joe walking out the store holding alyssa who had cookies and a juice
Me:lyss is with us
Me:Yea me and joe
Colby:Why is he holding my neice
Me:actually shes my neice too and because she loves being held almost every baby does
Joe put alyssa back in her car seat buckling her in
Me:Is that the reason you called?
Colby:No i need you to pick me up
Me:Thats not up to me im not driving
I looked at joe who was pumping gas
Joe looked at me
Me:Colby wants to know if you'll pick him up
Then joe started laughing
Joe:Thats funny
Joe:No i won't
Me:Hes at the hospital for gods sake
Me:Yea we'll be there Colby
Then joe groaned loudly catching peoples attention and making alyssa laugh
Colby:Ok thanks sis
Me:Yea yea
Then i hung up waiting for joe to get in the car
At the hospital
As i walked down the hall joe chased alyssa who was running laughing and playing with him once we walked in they calmed down
Colby:Hey alyssa alyssa hugged colby
Me:Ima go sign you out
I walked to the front desk signing colby out
Joe pov
Colby:Look man thanks again an..
Me:I only did this for harmony not you
Colby:You have to respect me eventually
Me:I dont think i wanna respect someone who betrayed me and jon
Colby sighed
Colby:You won't let that go will you?i already have enough on my back now you wanna be stubborn enough to still not let something go
Me:give me a reason to
Colby:your dating my freakin know what fuck it ok fuck you i don't need you or jon at this point
Colby sat up on the edge of his bed grabbing his crutches and hopping out then i felt a tugging on my pants leg i looked down at alyssa
Alyssa:Cawwy me pwease
I smiled picking her up and walking out to see harmony down the hall helping colby
Colby:Thanks for signing me out harmy but imma juss walk home
Harmony:No colby your not
Then harmony grabbed Colby's arm and he pulled away
Harmony: Colby your not walking home
Colby:Well I'm not riding in a car where I'm not wanted
Harmony: of course your wanted Colby come on
Colby: No I'm not harmony
Harmony:Are you talking about Joe look you two need to put that issue behind you before I put it into my own hands now both of you apologize
I didn't say anything and neither did Colby
Harmony:OK that's just fine I guess I'll take this into my own hands so all three of you will get along now let's go
Harmony led the way walking off
Me:I have a bad feeling about what she's planning
Harmony POV
Time for a little reunion between old friends Joe might hate me for this but whatever makes them friends

Seth Rollins Sister (Roman reigns love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora