Chapter 4: Thoughts and Worries

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Despite trying to shrug it off, throughout the whole day, two thoughts couldn't help but swirl around in his mind. The first one was about that boy he had bumped into, whom he was and what his relation was to this 'Subaru' exactly. The other was, obviously, about his brother, how he was doing and if he was okay in general. His thoughts kept flickering between 'I wonder what that boy's name is' and 'I hope Nii-san is actually using his crutches and is doing okay'. Of course he probably should have been focusing on his Calculus class considering that, even though he wasn't too terrible at it, math was not the easiest subject for him, but he really just couldn't help it. He was torn between making sure his brother hadn't passed out yet and figuring out who that boy was, making it impossible to concentrate on his school work.

But soon enough the bell rang and Fuuma was startled out of his thoughts, quickly gathering up his stuff so that he could move onto his next class.


The first thing Fuuma noticed when they went to pick Seishirou up, since their father decided to take his lunch break late so he could drop them off home, was that his brother was paler than he had been that morning. Maybe it was because he had to walk around all day between classes without oxygen while carrying heavy textbooks back and forth, but still it was worrying.

"Sei...are you feeling alright?" He didn't want to have this conversation while Kotori was around, despite the fact that she was sixteen, but it had to be addressed.

"I'm fine..." Amber glared back from the front seat, causing Fuuma to frown. He didn't really sound alright...

"You're lying."

"I'm not. Now, do you really want to do this in front of Kotori?"

"No..." But still.... He sighed. Why did he have to be so stubborn and prideful? Stupid Nii-san, you're going to cause yourself to collapse at this rate. I bet you didn't even use your crutches.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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