The Power Within: Chapter 22

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{Jason's POV}

Everyone was mourning in the house. We have just lost our friend. The one and only bajancanadian. It's now 12:18 and all were waiting for is Jocelyn.

"What do we do now?" Adam asks watching the clock. "I don't know. I don't want to do anything without my benja." Jerome sighs. "Guys, just please..." Jocelyn says with an despondent look upon her face.

She's been so quiet ever since Mitch's passing. I pull her closer to me and wrap my arm around her shoulders. "We had no other choice. I'm sorry."

"Hey, Jocelyn." Ian starts. "If you already had your claiming, what are you? You don't seem like a total bitch to me." She looks at Ian. "Thanks Ian that means a lot." Jocelyn sarcastically says rolling her eyes.

She pauses to think. "I honestly don't know." I shrug not knowing what to say. "All I saw was the moon disappear when we were running to you guys. Did you cause that to happen?"

"I mean, yeah that was me,'s never been possible." Suddenly, Jocelyn's expression becomes blank and she falls onto my lap. "Whoa, what just happened?" Ty asks. "Is she dead? Passed out?"

"I don't know." I mumble shaking her. "Jocelyn...Jocelyn?"

"Maybe she needs some rest." Adam suggests shrugging. "Just an idea."

I nod and pick her up bridal style. "I'll see you guys in the morning. Night." Everyone says goodnight in unison and I start heading upstairs.

I kick the door to her room softly and gently put her onto her bed. After i tuck her into the blankets, I start to walk out the door and shut the lights. Suddenly, Jocelyn sits up and inhales, hard, coughing right after. I could feel my eyes widen at the sight of her eyes. One orb was shimmering with a calming light blue and the other was a fiery red. Light and dark. Jocelyn was both.

"Jason..." Jocelyn whispered weakly before turning towards me. "Please stay. Don't leave me. Please." I smile. "Yeah, I'll stay." I begin walking to her bed as a strong breeze causes me to fall. I land with a thud onto the white carpet. Standing above me was Jocelyn staring intently with her different colored orbs. "Jocelyn..what the-" Before I could finish, Her hand raised and she rammed me onto the wall near the window causing some pictures and other things to crash to the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with you." Jocelyn shivers and shakes her head. She looks at me and then at her hands. "Jason, I- I don't what's wrong with me- I just..." Jocelyn's expression that was once full of fear changes to a more serious expression, but she shakes that off. "Jason, I can't- each side is fighting to take over. It hurts." she collapses onto her knees and rest her head onto the palms of her hands.

"I don't know how to help?" I say slowly making my way to her. "Put me in bed and pin me down. The light and the dark inside me will stop fighting over me as soon as I fall asleep." I nod multiple times and grab her. Pinning her to the bed as she struggles below me. "Let go!" She shouts squirming around.

After a few minutes pass by, Jocelyn gives up trying to free herself and relaxes with a tear flowing down her cheek. "What's wrong with me, Jason." She says as i place myself beside her. Jocelyn faces me and I embrace her hoping that would help. Her tears soaked my tee, but I didn't mind. "Nothing's wrong with you, Jocelyn. Now go to sleep. You'll be better in the morning." Jocelyn leaves her head resting on my chest, but doesn't close her eyes.

"You think Mitch really wanted to die just to save me?" She questions quietly. "I don't doubt it...he did like you, a lot."

"I don't want anyone else to die for me. No one." I lay my head on top of hers and stare at the white ceiling above, imagining the dark sky filled with stars. "Hold on." I say breaking our positions and grab my iPhone plugging in headphones. I return back to the position we we're in. We both watch as I scroll through my list of songs. "This should help you rest. Usually helps me."

I hand Jocelyn the other piece of the headphones and the places it into her ear waiting for the song to begin.

Red Light by Tiesto

Blacked out

Everything's faded

On your love

I'm already wasted

So close

That I could taste it now


So let's break right out of these

Gilded cages

We're gonna make it now

Don't ever turn around

Don't ever turn around

Nobody else needs to know

Where we might go

We could just run them red lights

We could just run them red lights

There ain't a reason to stay

We'll be light years away

We could just run them red lights

We could just run them red lights


By this time Jocelyn was already sleeping with one arm keeping me attached to her. I kiss her forehead and leave the music running for the rest of the night.

{Terrible ending. Like what the faq? That how I imagine you guys commenting on this chapter. Yas it's the last one, but at least a new story is going to begin. YEY c: BTW this is how the team turned out. They we're all followers of the light. BOOM. Of course, Jocelyn is both a light and dark caster and soon she learns to control them. So yeah. Leave a vote or nah. Leave a comment or nah. See you in another fanfic}

The Power WithinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora