A life without Regrets

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Success! What is success? How do people succeed? What is the key to success? These are the questions that we often hear and always look for answers to. There is no particular answer to this question but there are certain characteristics of success.
Success is goal that one wants to achieve in his life.  It can be as big as becoming a billionaire to earning your first salary. It can be having your own restaurant to having your own food stall across the street. It can be getting your PHD or just getting good marks in your bachelor’s. For some it maybe having a luxurious penthouse whereas, to some it would be to have a nice cozy house with a loving family to share it with.  From doing something for the society you live to making your parents proud by being helpful to someone. From achieving your life goals to helping others achieve their life goal. These are a few examples of success.  Each of them vary conceptual wise. For different people they mean different things. To some it may be their dream place that they want to be in. To some it may be too small or too big a dream to achieve. To some it maybe very a easy task to reach their goals, to some it may be the most difficult task to achieve. Some may just achieve it on their way in life while some would have to put in their blood and sweat to reach it.  For some, it maybe a matter of choice but for some, it maybe a matter of life and death.  To some, it may be a way to prove their worth to others while for some, it would be a way to prove oneself and to compete against oneself to achieve it. Some may do it for one’s happiness while some may do it to bring a smile on others face. 
Different people view success in different ways, some see it as money, some as sentiments, some see it as a quality while some just want to reach a point just to jel in with the society they live in. 
They say,  one can achieve success in his life when he is determined to put all his efforts into it,  but we also have examples of overnight legends. Their number is very small, yet  not something that doesn’t happen. When we say overnight legends or achievers, it only means that they had involved less of their physical strength at the work in hand. We fail to see that not only physical but,  mental hard work is also a key factor to success. Hard work always pays off. We have always heard this yet, there are failures.  But these failures are not due to lack of hard work but due to lack of faith in oneself. If we don’t have faith in ourselves, we will not reach our desired goals.  It is said that when we achieve what we want in our life, we will be happy. But what is happiness? 
Happiness is a state of complete Bliss, where everything we do and see seems nice to us.  It is feeling of immense joy.  It is a feeling where you want to wake up everyday and live it to the fullest.  Happiness is a state where even the dark thunder filled night seems as if the mother earth is blessing us by providing us good drinking water. It seems as if nature is blessing us by agreeing tears of happiness. Happiness can be as big as owning a private jet to seeing a beautiful rainbow. From being the first one to land on moon to seeing a shooting star and making a wish. It can be from owning your own company to your parents trusting you with their shop.  From enjoying with your friends in an amusement park to reliving your old memories on a swing in your favorite park. Happiness can be something that is forever there with us like a person,  a thing, a memory,  a possession to something that is very temporary like a bar of your favorite chocolate. To some happiness maybe listening to a motivational speech by one’s role model while to some it maybe to mock their best friend’s graduation speech.  For some happiness maybe a must achieve goal on life, where as far some it may just be a habit or a ritual to be Happy no matter what.
Happiness maybe different things and experience to different people,  yet the end result of happiness is to satisfy the human race and make their lives worth living. 
It is often said that a happy life is a perfect life. But what exactly is a perfect life?  Does a perfect life even exist?
We all want to have a perfect life. Even though we know that there is no concept of “perfection”, we strive really hard the reach that level of perfection. And as it is said “practice makes man perfect”, we do try till we reach our level of perfection. For different people, perfection would be different levels.  For some it would be a happy life , for some a successful life and for some a happy successful life.  Different people consider different levels of perfection.  For example, I may stack my clothes in the cupboard in a certain way and to me it would be perfect but for another person it may be a mess. A particular level may be perfect for us but for some,  it may still be imperfect.  Maybe to them there are a few more “practices” left for Perfection .  Listening to These people we feel shattered and incomplete, and so we try to practice more and more till we reach the perfection that others want. Even if in our eyes it is perfect but if someone else thinks it’s incomplete then we put in unnecessary effort to reach others perfection.  And in order to find this non-existent perfection, we tend to lose the importance of the task and goal.  As we keep trying to achieve something that is out of our reach and something that we don’t even want, we tend to lose what we already have.  Even if what we had satisfied us and made us happy, the point of proving our worth to others, somewhere in between we lose our favorite possession. Somewhere between people’s expectations and our goal we lose our contentment and happiness . We lose the importance of our goals.  When we lose our goals, we lose our happiness and thus we lose the dream or possibility of a so called “perfect life.”
But does only happiness or success lead to this perfect life or is there more to this? does only being happy lead to a perfect life? Does only being successful lead to a perfect life?  Or is there no possible way of having a perfect life?  Or is there something we are missing about having our perfect life?
A few questions that we may have or may not have thought about before. Questions to which the answer is the same and simple yet very difficult at the same time. A formula which sounds very easy to listen to but when the it’s time to actually go follow it,  is the most difficult task at hand. But not at all impossible, it may take us a day to realize the truth behind it or it may take years to realize the true meaning of it.  But not very impossible to learn. A formula for sure which will lead us to our so-called perfect life.
Living life without regrets. A life lived without regrets is a life worth lived. We should make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back.  Regret is an appealing waste of energy, you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in. We keep looking at the things undone and keep worrying about the consequences if we had done that. We keep rethinking about not trying again. We often hear about not living in the past and live in the present but we often want to ask about how to do that? People tell us never to regret what we do,  but never tell us how to actually learn how to not regret. It is often said that when a person is on his death bed, he doesn’t talk about his accomplishments or his happy moments instead he talks about the regrets he had in his life,  he talks about his unaccomplished goals, his unhappy moments, the chances he did not take and wishes to go back and take. But reality knows that this is not possible, then how do we make sure that a few years from now, when we are on our Death bed,  instead of regretting not doing something, we thank ourselves and others who were all with us that our life was worth living.
There is one golden rule to this , it is called “forget”.  The best  way not to have regrets is to forget what we did not do.  When we fail once, it is okay not try again,  but it is not okay to regret not trying again.  Not regretting anything we do in our lives doesn’t mean that we must always make the right decisions, but it is about forgetting the wrong decisions made,  of course we must learn from our mistakes, but nothing more than that, we must take our lessons and move on and must not think about the consequences if the decisions were made differently. 
Most of you reading this must have had regrets or do have regrets in your life, but it is of no use repenting on them as we cannot change the past. We have to move on some day or the other.  Better now than later.  What can be done today should not be procrastinated for tomorrow. It is a very difficult task to forget and move on but we must try really hard so that we can arrive at our perfect life. We need to learn how to forget things and must move on as only then will we be able to live our lives to the fullest. Also when we have no regrets, happiness and success all automatically follow as we have nothing no worry and repent about.
Living life without regrets has its own beauty. It is a life worth living, it is life we must strive for. It will provide us with  more satisfaction than any other goals that we achieve as when we have no regrets we are free from burdens and cares.  We will be able to focus on the work at hand. We will be able to enjoy our success to the fullest only when we have no regrets about the untaken paths. Living a life without worries is like living in paradise where everything is unbelievably beautiful and magical. Live life without regrets so that tomorrow when we are finally lying on our death bed, instead of regretting about the chances not taken, we look back at our lives and say “Wow,  that was beautiful!”

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