Chapter 2

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Georgia's POV
It's almost eleven now and Alex still isn't home. I get him feeling sad about what happened last night but he could of at least told me where he was going. I can't help but worry over what he could be into at this hour, he's been gone all day.

Just as soon as my thoughts begin to race away with different possibilities, Alex stumbles through the door.

"Alex? Where the hell have you been I've been worried sick about you."

He can barley even walk straight and he looks a mess. I can tell he's been out drinking.

"Nothing to worry about babe. Everything's aye okay" he slurs out while half giggling.

"What the hell? Come on you need to sleep this off."

"Come on Georgia! Don't be such a Pouty Pattie."

"Alex, stop being silly come on. Let's just go to bed and we can talk in the morning."

"Whatever you say, cupcake" he says with that same old cheeky grin. I can't help but laugh, I just love those dimples.

But this is exactly why we need to talk. I know he drinks occasionally and I'm fine with that, but I don't want him drinking every time he has something that bothers him.

Alex POV
Fuck, I've got the worst headache.

I don't even remember how much I drank last night.

Now that I think of it I really don't remember much of last night at all.

I remember going to the bar with Nathan but everything after that its all just kind of a blur.

"Fun night?" Georgia says as she opens the blinds.

"Fuck Georgia. That light is killing my eyes right now. Can we leave it closed? Just this morning, please."

My head is pounding like never before.

"Maybe if you weren't out all night we wouldn't have this problem now would we?"

I know she's right, but I didn't think I'd end of having that many drinks as I did.

"Anyways, I made you some breakfast. After you eat though come in the living room. I have something I want to talk to you about."

Shit I knew that was coming, but we might as well get it over with.

I lay across the couch, my head still aching just not as bad now.

"So why did you decide to just go off yesterday without telling me anything? Was it about the night before?"

I always hated our confrontational conversations, but I really was dreading this one especially since I know I was wrong.

I don't know, like I just didn't see her when it was happening.

"I don't know I guess I just felt really bad and I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I actually did something like that to you and I thought some time out of the house would be good for me, but I guess not"

"Alex, what am I here for? Sometimes shit happens but that's what communication is for and I don't want you to go off drinking every time something bothers you"

After Dunkirk حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن