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Irina's P.O.V

When the soldiers came to me I immediately start to run. What if they recognized by my mark.  No I made sure to hide it. But, still why are they after me. Cuz my disguise is flawless.

Now you may be thinking, Irina what is the Mark? Well you know when the Male, werewolf gives the female werewolf the mark.Well, us humans have it to. In this messed up world of us. The week before the school ended, Karsuma got drunk and marked me. At least that is what I believe. Then, I thought about my older twin sister.


As I was driving to my house, I noticed guards are spying one me. Like they did the past few weeks. It was really getting annoying. As I entered my house, I saw a rare thing, My twin sister was Back! But, something is off....

Then I noticed she has been crying. With out a thought, I ran to her. As I hugged her I thought, She was always the one that was helping me. Harley Quinn, my older twin sister. I miss her so much, Now is not the time to get lost in my thoughts.

No, Now is the time to confront her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked really worried.

"Well-" She Started to say, But I stopped her, and Said" Calm down I could not understand you." 

As she started to calm down she told me"' Well, When joker thought I was not there,He cheated on me.  I used to believe he loved me in his own way"

I was so shocked but not shocked enough when she said," Whats worst he marked me, the day before that happened.' Then, she moved her hair out of the way, a saw jokers card,as her mark.

She cried in my lap before I decided to do something. I said," Shape up, There's no way this is my Onee-chan. Where is the strong,loving,Nee-chan I know. I know your still in there, Better yet, I know joker will have his men watching you. So lets make him jealous!"

Harley's P.O.V

I was surprised when she said Make him jealous. I agreed, then we made a plan to make him jealous. Well I guess I could give it a chance. I mean what could possibly go wrong. Gosh darn it I jinx myself.

<> The Next Day<>

Today I dressed up, but the worst thing is my younger sister chose for me. Why is it bad you may ask. Well she chose a really revealing dress for me. The Date, or guy, Is also in the plan. I mean come on I just try out a sword and see how it works. Geez that trouble maker. Am I sure this is gonna work? Well to be honest, No.

I mean what I saw on that day and the mark.It was to much to handle. Still is to be honest. If it was not for this plan I would have been in the guest room crying, while eating ice cream and watching Netflix. Darn it, I really want to watch Pretty little liars right about now. What ever I need to move on! Forget about that rotten Cabbage. He means nothing to you right now! Right?

     Satisfied with my decision I slip on my boots. I also grab my purse while hiding a gun in there just in case. I would have looked better without this stupid skimpy dress. With that thought I head out of my room or rather the guest room. When my lil' sister saw me her jaw dropped. Then she came up to me and said,"Fighter you look so beautiful and slightly like a slut"  

"Hey do not call me that." I replied.

"Fighter.Fighter.Fighter." she said teasing me.

"I have a question.Why did you make me wear this dress" I said in a disgusted tone. 

" Well to make him jelly what else" She replied.After her last comment we start arguing about why and how she made me go on this date and how did she convince me to wear this dress. Anyways after halfway  arguing I noticed that the doorbell rang. So without a thought or warning I opened the door to see.


412 words 

Sorry I have not posted in a long time. I kinds sorta forgot about this story? Anyways sorry I kinda made them OC. Anyways who is this guy? How will joker react? How does harley recognize this guy? Find out in the next Chapter.Also be ready for a new point of view next Chapter!

Steph out! Bye! c:

Assassnation or Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें