> beautiful II

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{16/03/16 // 5.32 p.m.}

she was so beautiful.

the way she walked straight towards me, her face and expression serious. not a few seconds later she bursted into laughter, filling my soul.

she tried the clothes on that she wanted to buy. right now we were in a changing room in a store. i just sat here, enjoying the view whenever she did this catwalk-runway-typa-thing. whatever it was, i didn't want her to stop doing it.

with my phone in my hands i watched her through my camera. every once in a while i looked up, just short enough to be trusted when i said 'wow', 'yeah, that's nice' or 'cool'. i sounded uninterested, with purpose.

"are you even watching me?"

i couldn't hide the grin that crept on my face.

"you're just looking at your phone! what are you even doing, watching porn? that creepy ass smile on your face definetly looks so," she said, half angry, half laughing.

she was right, i couldn't look at her without smiling. she was so stunning. not the clothes made her pretty, her smile. she laughed, probably about herself. it was the most wonderful view ever. she was so careless and happy. she enjoyed herself and the moment, i could tell. an angel, sent from above - right to me. but she wasn't mine - and would probably never be. though i wanted her as bad as nothing else.

"yeah, kinda."


want this so bad

what's up? (please don't respond with the sky)

listening to my babe (aka the weeknd) rn xo

i love you all!

- michelle kai

thoughts &' thingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora