Prologue ~ Narrated by Misaru

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Nothing seems to be right whenever we pass by. Some think that we're lovers while others think we're best friends with familiar touch. But what I think, is that we are just normal siblings, with different last names.

I, Fushimi Misaru, am siblings with Yatagarasu Sarumi. I know it looks like we're not related, but by blood and birth, we are. No one thinks that. At all. Seriously, no one thinks that we're like, step siblings or whatever.

We are very similar to our parents. I'm similar to our dad, Yatagarasu Fushimi Saruhiko, and Sarumi is similar to our mom. (No need to say our mom's name since it's obvious who the other one is...duh...) We call our mom, "mom", because he told us to. The other reason is that we call him that because he was somehow born with a womb (A/N) I am making this up for the story) and that he birthed us.

There is also one other thing that no one knows about us. We're gay. By nature. I don't know how, but we just found the same gender, interesting.

I should also describe our appearances in case, later on, you'll be confused. Or maybe not. But for those of you who want to know, I look like dad's past self. Yes, that's right. I have his old hairstyle that our mom loves. I'm guessing that's why I'm his favorite. And of course I wear glasses. It's the same brand and degree as dad's. My sis, Rumi, (we like to call each other short versions of our names like how mom calls dad Saru) has short hair, the same color as mom's. She also is VERY flat chested. (Like Pidge) So that's what we mean by similar. (Rumi gained her flat chest, maybe because she didn't want to see what happens if she had the same size tits as Lucy from Fairytail) (Yeah that's right, laugh bitches) (A/N) I made Misaru rude cause of Saru)

Oh and also, we have the same PERSONALITIES as our parents. Also same dislikes, favorite music, and whatever our parents do. (Not sex) So since I have the same personalities as dad, mom gets angry at both of us for being lazy. And since Rumi has the same personalities as mom, dad and I um...well you get the idea.

Nothing is different between us and our parents. Even the same LINES. And what I mean by that is that eventually, me and Rumi say the same things that our parents used to say in the past, to each other. Weird right? Like it's almost Supernatural. (I haven't seen Supernatural in quite a while....hope the new episodes are good.......WAIT I'M GOING OFF TOPIC!!)

Anyway, we also gotta tell you something that we didn't tell the public. We "work" with our parents when they need us. And it might sound dangerous for 15 year olds to "work" with people that have to physically fight the enemy, but you got it all wrong here. You see, we are very special kids with unnatural strength for a 15 year old. We also gained weapons from our parents. All of us don't know how, but, it's awesome right? I mean, it's exciting to do things like this. Aww dang it, going off topic again. We have the exact same weapons as our parents. And what's even MORE strange, is that the weapons appear when we do a hand gesture. ( I right?)

When I mean same weapons, I mean it. I have dad's sword and blades while Rumi has....that two sided thingy, (I never knew what it was called, nor did Rumi and we tried asking mom, but, he's always busy...wink wink~) and that baseball bat. Even including her own skateboard. Like mom's. Although, the mark on the bottom of the skateboard is different. It's half the after-mark if dad's and half of mom's mark. Even more creepy.

But I guess I'm talking too much. This story, is a full-on memory from our past. Which was like, 7 months from now. (Today is practically the future where the entire school knows our two big secrets.) You didn't see that coming did ya? But I guess the author wanted this to be you know, interesting. And I know that I'm breaking the fourth wall but I don't care. Savage beast right here. And if you would be so kind to follow Mr. and Ms. Rhandall. They are also siblings like us. But you probably read about that in the profile. Oops. Lots of words. Well, if you would excuse me, I need to run from my sis, trying to feed me those bastardly veggies. Bye.

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