Chapter 4- Ollivander's Wand Shop

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"Okay, so we have our quills and ink, so now we need... wands," Harry said going over the list of supplies.

"A wand? Wall ya should go ta Ollivander's. He's tha best a' wha' he does," Hagrid said with a smile. We weaved throught the mob of people until we stood in front of a small wand shop. Hagrid said he'd see us in a moment and Harry and I walked inside. Shelves full of small, rectangular boxes covered the walls. Shattered glass was swept up under the tables around the shelves, like someone is very clumsy with glass.

"Hello?" I asked. A wand box fell behind me, causing me to jump.

"Hello?" Harry said. I walked up to the counter when a man rolled in on a ladder. His snow white hair stuck up in various directions and he had maybe ten wands tucked into his pockets. He looked from me to Harry and smiled.

"I wondered when I might see the two of you coming in through my door," he said, hopping from the ladder. He walked around the counter to a shelf to my right. Harry and I watched as he pulled two wand boxes from the shelf. Ollivander handed each of us a box with a wand in it. Mine was a light brown with a curve in it. Harry looked at me, holding his wand, then we both looked at Ollivander. He looked at us like we were as dumb as a meat loaf.

"Give it a wave!" he said suddenly. Harry jumped some and waved his wand quickly. A loud crack was heard from behind me and a shattered vase fell to the floor. After a second I figured I should give it a try and waved my wand. It shot out of my hand and went through the "O" in Ollivander on the window. A wizard was walking by and picked up the wand after it bonked him in the head. He opened the door, placed it on a table, and walked out without a word.

"Well, not those," he said, gathering the wands. My face grew a little red and I dropped my head. Harry smiled a little and pat my back. Ollivander put the wands back and stepped back behind his desk, looking through his little hallway of wands. I turned to see the window behind me slowly repair itself.

"Does that happen a lot?" I asked.

"Not a day goes by when it doesn't," Ollivander yelled from the back. Harry and I walked up to the desk and Ollivander handed us two more wands. This one was similar to the last one, but felt a little different. Maybe it was lighter. I decided to go first and flicked my wand. The window was safe, but Ollivander's ladder was blown back and broke from its hinges. I dropped my wand quickly and Ollivander collected it as I stepped back. Harry grinned to himself and waved his wand. A dozen wand boxes shot from the shelves and fell to the floor. Ollivander reached forward and took Harry's wand.

"Deffinatly not these two," he said with a little bit of a smile. He placed the wands back on the shelf and froze, as if a thought suddenly hit him. Harry and I looked at eachother as Ollivander slowly pulled two wands from the very back. Ollivander made his way to us and slowly pushed the wands to us. We opened the boxes and picked up the wands. Harry waved his first, and nothing happened. Mine did the same. Everything was calm. Ollivander was amazed.

'Very curious," Ollivander said almost breathlessly. Harry and I looked up at him.

"What's curious?" Harry asked. Ollivander seemed both frightened and excited. He took a deep breathe and leaned forward to Harry. And guess who felt like chopped liver? That's right: moi.

"It seems that the phoenix core of your wand has a brother. And the brother of your wand happens to be the same wizard that gave you that very scar upon your head," he whispered. Harry reached up and felt his scar. I don't exactly remember how that happened, but it felt like something was wrong from his story. Not to be selfish, but where was I? Why don't I have a scar? What's my wand made of?

Someone tapped on the glass behind me and the three of us looked to see who is was. Hagrid stood there, holing two cages with owls in them. One was almost pure white while the other was completely black. The black one's eyes met mine and I smiled.

"Happy birthday!"

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